Chapter Eleven

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"Miyeon, that's not fair!" Lee Know groaned as he lost yet another game at UNO

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"Miyeon, that's not fair!" Lee Know groaned as he lost yet another game at UNO.

"Minho, it's not my fault that you suck at this game," I said and rolled my eyes, reshuffling the cards again.

I couldn't stop myself from crushing on Lee Know. He was different. He was cheerful and knew how to make me smile.  I was stuck between him and Taeyong.

Miyeon, give Taeyong a chance first, I reminded myself.

We played a few more rounds until it was starting to get dark. He asked me to stay for dinner but I politely declined. I hugged him and left.


When I got home, it was dead silent. I knew Minhee was on leave cause she was sick. Taeyong and the boys already came back in the morning. Did he go out somewhere already? I decided to go check.

I went to Taeyong's room and peeped in. The bathroom light was switched on. I could hear groans coming from the bathroom.

I slowly opened the door and gasped.

"Taeyong?!" I said in horror. He wasn't wearing his pants and was sitting on the counter beside the sink.

There was blood covering his entire right leg and he tried to clean it off. There was also a cut on his cheek.

"What are you doing here?" He asked softly, wincing at the pain in his leg.

I ignored him and a wet a cloth. I wiped all the blood off him. He had a lot of cuts but they weren't deep so he didn't need stitches. I took the roll of cotton and put some antiseptic medicine on it, before rubbing it onto his cuts on his leg, one by one. I glanced at him to see him staring at me with an unreadable expression.

I resumed applying the medicine, now to his thigh. I tried to ignore the fact that I could see his huge bulge. He didn't seem affected by it at all.

After I finished with his thigh, I cupped his face to apply the medicine on his cheek. He winced in pain.

But, his eyes never left me.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Taeyong?" I asked softly.

"You're beautiful..." He mumbled. My heart raced at his words but I tried to keep calm.

"Did you get hit in the head as well?" I asked, nervously laughing as I washed my hands and dried them.

He got off the counter and swiftly picked me up, making me sit on it instead. I gasped.

He stood in between my legs and stared into my eyes. Or more like my soul.

If I moved just five inches forward...

He cupped my cheek gently and leaned in, his eyes switching between my eyes and my lips. I found myself leaning in too.

Finally, our lips met.


End of chapter eleven.

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