Chapter Fifteen

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Finally a girls' night out!" Soyeon squealed as we entered the club. As usual, we were at the most expensive club in Seoul, Club Octagon. It was always crowded.

"Oh, I missed this so much!" Yuqi said, as we sat at our usual spot. "The red and blue fluorescent lights and that gigantic bar! And dancing!"

Soojin, Soyeon and Minnie went to get us drinks. My phone vibrated, signaling that I got a message. It was from Lucas.

Lucas: Miyeon, be a darling and DON'T let Yuqi drink. Please! Love you!

I showed the message to Yuqi and she rolled her eyes. She took my phone and texted him.

Me: Hey love, it's Yuqi. I am drinking and I'll be fine, don't worry! It's only for tonight.

She handed me back my phone and winked.

"Your lover boy just sent you a message," She said and smirked. "Looks like you're gonna get some when you get home."

I raised an eyebrow as I took my phone back and read Taeyong's message.

Taeyong: You look smoking hot, babe. I really wanna rip those clothes off.

My eyes widened as I felt my cheeks heat up. I covered my face and squealed. Yuqi chuckled at my reaction.

The girls came back with our shots. We all took three shots except Soojin. She took only one cause she had the worst drinking capacity and one of us had to stay a little sober, just in case.

I took another shot before I felt the alcohol kicking in.

"Let's go dance!" Shuhua said, already a little drunk. We all agreed and made our way to the crowded dance floor. I love how the lights made my white dress glow.

The DJ tonight was really good. He played the best songs that you could properly dance to. I was so into the moment that I didn't even realize when someone came up and danced with me.

"Minho?!" I said. I couldn't see his face that clearly cause of the lights, but I did get a glimpse.

"Hey!" He said and hugged me. "What are you doing here, Miyeon?"

"Clubbing with some friends," I said as I danced with him. "How come you're here? Where's Felix?"

"Felix is here too," He said. "Oh and, we own this place."

"What?!" I said in shock. He chuckled and nodded. We danced for a while before he pulled me away somewhere. We are at the other end of the club where it wasn't crowded. I rested my back against the wall as he stood in front of me. It was pretty dim so I couldn't see his face clearly.

"You look hot," He said. I could smell the alcohol on him.

"Thank you."

"There's been... something that I really wanna try..." He said, coming closer to me. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"W-What are y-you doing?" I said shakily. I felt really uncomfortable. His lips slowly kissed my neck.

But I didn't feel anything. I pushed him away.

"Stop, you're drunk," I said.

"Want me to sober up for you then, babygirl?" He whispered in my ear. I pushed him away and quickly went in search of my friends. I found them dancing in the middle so I went and joined them. I knew Lee Know was drunk and didn't mean any of that, so I decided not to think about it.


End of chapter fifteen.

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