Chapter Eighteen

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The next morning I woke up pretty late, in Taeyong's room, feeling really sore

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The next morning I woke up pretty late, in Taeyong's room, feeling really sore. He had already woken up and wasn't in the room. There was a mild pounding in my head but luckily he kept the tablets ready for me on his bedside table. I drowned the tablets before going to my room to shower.

After my morning routine, I got dressed and went downstairs, feeling pretty shy after what happened last night. It was the first time me and Taeyong had sex.

I saw him sitting on the rocking chair, reading a file and drinking coffee. How can someone look that good just by drinking coffee?

"Good morning," I said softly, making my way to him. He put the cup of coffee and file down on the table and patted his lap. I sat on his lap and he kissed my neck.

"Slept well?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said and blushed.

"Are you sore?"

"A little," I said while scanning the hickey I left on his neck last night.



"I'm going on a mission tonight."

"For how long?" I asked, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe a week? I'm not sure."

"Is it dangerous?" I asked, even though I knew that pretty much every mission in the mafia was a life or death situation.

"No," He said. "We're just killing another mafia gang called BTS."


"Cause they were trying to hack into our systems and send empty threats," He said and chuckled. "They failed badly at it though."

"Isn't BTS like, very powerful?"

"Not anymore. They have no chance of winning against us."

"Cause you have more members?"

"No, there's 7 of them, but only 4 of them can fight well," He stated. "But in NCT, 15 of us can fight well. So it's an easy kill."

"So all 15 of you are going?"

"Nope, just me, Yuta, Winwin, Doyoung, Johnny, Jaehyun and Lucas," He said. "We want to keep the numbers even so it's fair."

"Well, be careful," I said and sighed.

"I will," He said and kissed my head.


I was currently outside Lee Know's house. It's been six days since that incident and I really wanted to talk about it.

I rang his doorbell and he let me in. We sat on his couch as usual. He looked really good, dressed in all black.

"I'm sorry," He said. "I was drunk."

"I know, it's okay, Minho," I said. "I just don't want that one thing to ruin our friendship."

"I don't want to be friends anymore, Miyeon," He said and sighed.

"What...?" I murmured, feeling my heart sink.

"I want to be more than that," He said, scooting closer to me so that he was right in front of my face. "I like you, Cho Miyeon."

I held my breath. Why was this happening?

"M-Minho, I'm sorry, I see you as a friend," I said shakily. "I never told you this, but I'm married."

His eyes widened as he glanced at the ring on my finger.

"Can you leave?" He said after a while. "I need some time to think."

I just nodded and left. I drove to the nearest park, wanting to clear my head. It was pretty dark and empty as it was almost 10 p.m.

I sat on the large bench, sighing as I thought about Lee Know's words.

"Well, well, well," A familiar voice said, making me freeze. "Look who it is."


End of chapter eighteen.

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