Chapter Twenty-Two

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After a few days of resting, I got back to working on my projects

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After a few days of resting, I got back to working on my projects. I had been running all over the place, doing four projects at once.

I had just finished working on one of my projects when I got a text message from Lee Know.

Minho: Hey, are you free? Wanna get some coffee at the cafe next to my house?

Me: Does this mean that you're talking to me now?

Minho: Well, maybe? Just come here, fast!

Me: Coming.

I smiled. I was happy that Lee Know didn't take that much time than I expected. Honestly, I really missed him.

I put on my shoes and drove to the cafe next to his house. He was standing outside, waiting for me. He smiled at me, engulfing me in a tight hug.

"I missed you," He said, sighing against my hair.

"I missed you too," I said before we made our way inside. We both got caramel macchiatos. He told me that he's okay with staying as friends cause he doesn't want to lose me.

"So, Miyeon, who's the lucky guy you're married to, that stole your h—"

"Hi Miyeon noona!" A familiar voice said, interrupting Lee Know while making his way to us, sitting down next to me. I hugged him.

"Felix, what are you doing here?" Lee Know asked.

"I came to get something to eat, obviously," Felix said, rolling his eyes before pouting. "I didn't expect you guys to be here. How polite of you to not call me, noona!"

I laughed and squished his cheeks. He reminded me a lot of Donghyuck. He was like a little brother to me.

"Your brother invited me, Felix," I said, ruffling his hair.

Felix looked at Lee know and rolled his eyes. "Of course, he'd never call me to hang out with him."

"Dude, we live in the same house," Lee Know said, raising an eyebrow. "I see you like twenty-four seven."

"Then make that forty-eight fourteen."

"That's literally just doubling it... Ugh, you're so annoying, why are you even here?" Lee Know whined like a baby.

"That's not what you said when I was born."

"I was 2 years old when you were born, do you think I gave a fuck about your existence?"

I laughed as I sipped my drink, watching the brothers playfully argue with each other.


When I got home, I could smell something burning. Donghyuck was running around with a burning cloth, Kun was running behind him, and Mark was holding up a burning pan of god knows what, coughing his lungs off. Yuta was leaning against a wall, watching Mark in amusement. Chenle and Jisung put dominoes all over the floor and Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin were playing with nerf guns.

"What did you burn, Mark?" I asked.

"He burnt an omelette," Yuta said and laughed. "It's literally just eggs. Who even burns it?"

"It's... hard..." Mark said in between coughs.

I covered my nose and mouth with my palm before taking the pan away from him and putting it under the tap to cool.

"I can't even leave you guys alone for an hour," Taeyong said, shaking his head.


End of chapter Twenty-Two.

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