Chapter Twelve

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His soft plump lips moved gently with mine

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His soft plump lips moved gently with mine. I could feel the sparks between us. My hands went around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He broke the kiss, pushed my hair to the side, and began to kiss my neck. The feeling was so good that I let out a moan. Neck kisses were my favorite.

Taeyong sucked the skin of my neck, I was sure that there were going to be marks.

He trailed soft kisses back to my lips before capturing them again. This time, deeply and very passionately. I was intoxicated by him.

I moaned into the kiss as I felt him grip my thighs. He was just about to unbutton my shorts when a yell interrupted us, causing us to pull away.

"Taeyong hyung— OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY!" Haechan yelled and ran away.

I looked away and blushed as realization hit me. I just made out with Taeyong. Lee fucking Taeyong.

He cupped my cheeks and made me look at him. This was a new side of him that I've never seen. He didn't have his usual cold expression on his ethereal face anymore, but a soft warm one. This was the side of him that I really wanted to see.

Frankly, I was melting under his touch as the butterflies went wild in my stomach.

He leaned in and pecked me gently.

"Come on, let's go downstairs," He said softly. I nodded as I got off the counter. He put a new pair of pants and a t-shirt on before we headed downstairs.

All the boys were sitting in the living room. Johnny and Yuta whistled, making me blush.

"So... What were you both doing up there?" Johnny asked with a smirk.

"We weren't doing anything," Taeyong said.

"Yeah, Miyeon magically got hickeys," Yuta said and smirked. My eyes widened as I pulled my hair to cover them. Everyone laughed. Taeyong pulled my hand and made me sit next to him, one of his hands were around my waist.

"Weren't you attacked, Taeyong?" Taeil asked. "What happened?"

I glanced up at Taeyong in questioning.

"Bang Chan's men tried to kill me," Taeyong said, making me freeze. He kissed my head to calm me down.

"All nine of them were there?" Ten asked.

"No, only Hyunjin was there with his bodyguards," Taeyong said. "Hyunjin escaped, but I killed the guards. They were pathetic at fighting anyway, they only kept attacking my leg with a knife."

"So that's why you weren't wearing pants when I accidentally walked in on you and noona eating each others' faces off?" Haechan asked. Everyone laughed and I hid my face in Taeyong's chest. Even he was laughing.

"Yes," Taeyong said. "Miyeon was actually treating my cuts."

Everyone nodded.

"They're probably trying to kill me cause Bang Chan got punched," Taeyong said.

"Or cause Miyeon is with you now?" Doyoung said. "He did tell her that he still loves her, right?"

I nodded.

"But how would they know that she's with Taeyong hyung?" YangYang asked. "She could be with any of us and plus, Jaemin and Yuta were there when he was harassing her."

"He's right," WinWin said. "There's 21 of us, it wouldn't be that easy to find out even if he's in the mafia."

Taeyong nodded and looked at me. "Miyeon, did he ask you anything about us?"

"No," I said. "He only spoke about our past relationship.

Everyone was in deep thought.

"So, what do we do now?" Renjun asked, breaking the silence.

"Well, if they're after us," Taeyong said. "Then we'll have no choice but to end them."


End of chapter twelve.

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