Interview Gone Wrong

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"It was a pleasure meeting you, Y/N." Y/N stood up, quickly smoothing her pantsuit down and taking the hand Kim Seokjin, who was hopefully her future boss, offered her.

"And you as well. Thank you for your time." She said formally.

"We will call you if we make a decision in your favor. Have a good day." His smile was warm and bright and he seemed like he'd be a pleasant enough fellow to work for. Y/N was deep in thought, her anxiety gone now that her job interview was over. Of course, she still had another interview tomorrow to prep for, but one thing at a time.

Her eyes were down, fingernails clacking against the screen of her phone, when the elevator door opened and someone else joined her. She didn't know anyone at this company so she didn't pay any attention, mentally calculating how long she could stretch her savings while job hunting. She'd already done these calculations multiple times but a part of her hoped that if she ran the same numbers over and over and over...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a cough, which she ignored, and then a husky voice,

"Job interview?"

"Mmhmm." She felt a little annoyed. She didn't like people who couldn't respect the unspoken rule of silence in elevators....or anywhere else actually.

"How'd it go?"

"I'll know in a couple days." She said quietly, still not turning to the person standing next to her. The hair on the back of her neck stood up when she observed him shift slightly closer to her out of the corner of her eye. No...this could seriously not be happening now...

"You know, I work here."

"Good for you."

"Pretty high up, actually."


"I could..." A cough. "...make things happen, make sure you get a favorable outcome." This was whispered and her head snapped up to look him in the eye as a finger ran down her arm. The man she was looking at had brown hair and, yes, he was pretty attractive. But to someone like Y/N he might as well have been a toad right there and then. She stiffened and tried to step back but there wasn't anywhere to go except up against the elevator wall. Her tongue felt frozen and her pulse was racing. "Of course..." He licked his lips and shot her a look full of pure lust. "I'd want something in return..."

It felt like a pressure was building on her chest and rot was rumbling in her stomach. Her breathing sped up, something he took as a sign to lean in, bringing their lips closer...

Y/N felt like her brain had shut down. Her phone was in her hand. She could scream. She could call for help. She could fight. But she did none of those things. Because she wasn't seeing him, she was seeing flashbacks and memories from years ago, each one pressing into her chest deeper and deeper, preventing her from drawing another breath...

The elevator dinged, it was on the lobby floor. His time was almost up.

"What do you say?" He whispered, tilting his head, mistaking her panic for unspoken consent. Just a little closer...his eyes began to close as he brushed his lips against hers...

And promptly shot wide open again as the elevator doors began to open and Y/N suddenly regained feeling in her body and shoved him, hard.

Away. Away. All she could think about was getting away. She couldn't breathe, her throat was all closed up, and she could feel herself gagging. She was going to be sick. She stumbled out the elevator door, not seeing the knowing smirk, and then the look of horror, that the lobbyist shot her.  She scrambled towards the bathroom, found an open stall, and proceeded to dry heave everything she didn't have in her stomach into the toilet.

She felt sick. So sick. Those memories hadn't come back in awhile, even when she'd gone back for the funeral. But she should know by now, you never truly forgot...

Meanwhile, a shocked Min Yoongi stepped out of the elevator and, seeing the lobbyist's eyes on the bathrooms, raised his eyebrows. Well....that had never happened before. He'd never...he was slightly offended. No woman had ever thrown up after being subjected to his advances. Normally they were quite flattered, actually. Which was really the whole point.

He stood there until Y/N shakily stepped out of the bathroom, took one look at him, and made her way to the door as quickly as possible. Hell if she was coming back, she didn't care how much it paid. She'd rather die then stay anywhere near a creep like that for one more minute. Yoongi just watched her go silently before turning back to the elevator, stepping in, and hitting the button to Jin's office's floor.

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