Meet the Boys

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Y/N had been very focused on her work but she began to grow slightly agitated as one by one several different men drifted in. She recognized Yoongi who gave her a head nod and a fleeting smile before disappearing. She had no idea who the men were, besides Namjoon, but Jimin hadn't come running from his office to yell at her for not stopping them so she said nothing and made her phone calls, trying not to sound like a complete newbie at her job and feeling like she was failing miserably.

"Y/N!" She jumped slightly and stood up, poking her head around the corner. Jimin was leaning out a door, hands in pockets, jerking his head towards the door. "We're ready." Ready for what?

She was relieved, once she got to the door, to see that the men had left the seat closest to the door for her. She scooted her chair slightly so she could see both it and them. She didn't catch it but Yoongi's eyes narrowed slightly and he cocked his head, wheels turning. She hid her hands under the table, taking a quick glance at the men before looking down.

"Okay, everyone's here. Except for Jin-hyung. He needed sleep. But we're all competent so that's fine." Jimin started the meeting off with a teasing tone, earning a couple of grins. "First order of business, Y/N. Guys, this is our new secretary." One man clapped his hands and nodded in her direction. Jimin addressed his next words to her. "You know me, Jimin. Finance. I know you know Yoongi. Department of Infires." There were smirks all around the table when he said that. "Namjoon, Head of Operations." Namjoon smiled at her and waved. "This is Hoseok, Head of Supply Management." The man who had clapped gave her a big grin and bobbed his head again.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N."

"This is Taehyung. Um....Personnel Director." Y/N didn't miss the smirk that crossed the handsome man's face, nor Jimin's hesitation. Taehyung looked her up and down, raised an eyebrow and then looked at Jimin. "And finally, this is Jungkook. Technical Specialist." Jungkook smiled at her as well and gave her a little wave. "Honestly, out of all of us, you'll probably see Namjoon the most. Next to Jin he has the most paperwork. The rest of us tend to come in and out, sometimes at odd hours. Just get used to it." Jimin looked at the rest of them. "Anything you want to add?" Everyone but Jungkook shook their heads.

"I'll see you afterwards, you'll need to have our individual phone numbers added to your contacts. Most of the time that's how we'll let you know what tasks we have for you." Y/N nodded and Jimin smacked his hands together.

"K, great. That's all, Y/N. You can go." Y/N hadn't missed any of the weird pauses or, what sounded like, double-speak in the meeting. She picked up on it but just stood up, bowed, mumbled something about being pleased to meet everyone, and left.

"Hot damn." Taehyung said, as soon as she left.

"Seriously?" Jungkook grumbled, swatting him on the shoulder. Taehyung yelped.

"Hey, I can't help finding her attractive! Look at her!"

"We don't need a repeat of two secretaries ago." Yoongi reprimanded firmly, before the two could continue their bickering. "Besides..." He glanced towards the door Y/N had just left out of. "There's something off."

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked, taking a seat. Yoongi bit his lip.

"I don't know. She's nothing bad. There's just something different." He looked at Taehyung. "Don't hit on her." Taehyung raised his hands in surrender.

"I won't."

"Jin doesn't need the additional stress of finding yet another secretary." Jimin shot Taehyung a look.

"Guys, I only slept with one of them and it was consensual. I'm not interested in turning every paper pusher we get into a stereotypical porno plot." Namjoon covered his eyes.

"TMI, Tae." He flicked his fingers at Jimin. "Let's just get on with this, shall we?"


"How was your first day?" The meeting had run long without Jin there to make final decisions and it was almost time for Y/N to go home. Yoongi leaned against the desk, observing her as she typed away at her computer. He had duties but with Jin gone he wasn't comfortable leaving Y/N by herself after the rest of them had scattered so he'd found some stuff to do in his office.

"It was fine."

"We're a weird crew but you'll get used to us." He gave her a wink and she smiled a little. He decided to test something, he was observing and he wondered if his observations were correct or not. He casually walked over behind her desk, towards the filing cabinets she had back there. He didn't do anything, just stood there. And watched.

It didn't take long for her to adjust her seat so he was in her peripheral vision as she worked. He moved and she did again as well, becoming more agitated as she did so. He pursed his lips and moved back in front of her desk, noticing how her shoulders relaxed when he did so. Hmmm.

"Well, have a good night." He left and found Jungkook on the floor of their computer lab area, sleeves rolled up, intently studying some computer code.

"What's up, hyung?"

"Can I see the background check you ran on Y/N?" Jungkook frowned but said nothing, pulling it up on his laptop. Yoongi leaned over his shoulder, reading silently. Jungkook turned his head a little, watching his hyung's face.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Yoongi didn't reply until he'd finished reading and then he just shook his head. Nothing. There was no indicator there.

"It's nothing, I was just checking something." And with that he left a very confused Jungkook to glance back over the report, trying to see what Yoongi had been looking for.

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