Y/N's Pissed

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"Well...shit." Yoongi sighed, guilt gnawing at his conscience. Jin had explained what had happened. Jimin was quiet but looked disturbed. The whole "show up at your place and not tell you what's going on" thing didn't sit well with him either. "I'm sorry, guys. I really made a mess of things."

"You were injured and running for your life. I'm not holding it against you." Jin said wearily. "But the fact remains....she's understandably upset. Unfortunately....we can't tell her."

"Do we...I mean...do we really have to keep it from her?" Jimin said quietly. Out of all of them, the ban sat the least well with him and Hoseok. They understood why, they'd been there when the reason for it happened. But it seemed rather harsh to them still.

"You know why we have it." Jin said edgily, glancing at Yoongi. Yoongi sighed.

"I'm fine. You don't need to walk on tiptoes, like I'll explode at the mention of her. She was a mistake. If she ever shows up, she's dead. Problem solved." He bit his lip thoughtfully. The idea of just letting Y/N go didn't sit well with him. Despite her high guard, he liked her. She did her job and was competent. She had a beautiful smile, even if she was always nervous around him. And the reality was, there were things he still didn't know about her. Things that he wanted to find out more about. He had a feeling she was a greater asset to them than any of them realized yet.

"I'll help you to your office, hyung."

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Jin asked, going all parental for a second. Yoongi scoffed.

"I'm resting. I'll be sitting on my ass, helping figure out who did this."

"Who's going to stay to help you?"

"Jimin." Jin shook his head.

"I need him out on the field."

"Well, who else? We don't have anyone." Jin was going to respond but his alarm went off. He quickly checked his phone.

"I have a meeting, we'll figure this out later." He said, grabbing his coat and leaving quickly. He was glad to get out of that office for a bit. Maybe he could forget how badly he felt about his now former secretary.

There was a long silence in his absence.

"He's right. I shouldn't stay." Yoongi sighed.  "I'd planned on Y/N being here but..." His voice trailed off. Jimin cocked his head.

"How about I try to talk to her?"



"Why, you?"

"Because she interacts the most with you and Jin and both of you are the reason for her leaving." Jimin shrugged. "Maybe she needs someone slightly less involved to reason with her." Yoongi nodded thoughtfully.

"It's worth a shot. I don't want her to leave." He admitted. Jimin shot him a smile.

"I can tell."


When she got home Y/N was just glad the kids were at school. It gave her some time to let out the tears she needed to get out and get emotionally composed before they got back. She knew her emotional problems were hard on them and she wanted to mitigate it as much as possible. She decided to hold off on telling them about the loss of her job. Instead she scoured the internet for a few more jobs and sent resumes in. She should've just gone with a school in the first place. So much less drama.

"You're home early." Cindi said suspiciously when they arrived home.
"I told them I wasn't feeling well." Y/N said, closing her laptop and laying back on the couch. "Which is the truth." Cindi didn't look convinced but Y/N decided to not press the point. Doing so would only make Cindi more suspicious. "How about we do a movie night?"


They were halfway through the third episode of a K-Drama, with Tab and Drake bickering over what a certain word meant, when they heard the buzzer and everyone jumped.

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