"It's Not What You Think"

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"Wait, what?!" Jin had a look of alarm on his face as he faced Yoongi. He'd all but picked Y/N. Of course, there was the final test, but she had seemed like the type to pass it. All she had to do was prove herself reasonably honest and turn Yoongi down. That's what he'd hoped would happen, she wasn't like their normal applicants. Educated, fluent in English, reasonable in Korean, not flirty, sense of humor, smart, he'd been crossing his fingers that she'd pass.

It sounded like she had. But they might not have passed.

"I'm not joking, I've never had someone run that fast to get away from me that I wasn't trying to kill." The more he thought about it, the more Yoongi felt disturbed and bad. If Y/N had accepted his advances, and disqualified herself, he wouldn't give a damn. But the poor girl hadn't looked like one of the most handsome men in Korea was flirting with her, she had looked like the devil was preparing to torture her for all eternity. And he didn't know why she had but he knew throwing up after a man comes onto you was definitely not normal. "I thought she was going to pass out." Normally women had problems breathing for other reasons around him and they didn't look like ghosts.

Jin exhaled and ran his hand through his hair.

"So we finally found someone and....now she might not give us the time of day." Yoongi shrugged, already wanting the conversation to be over so he could go back to his other work. Jin would either fix it or he wouldn't, wasn't his problem anymore. Jin sighed. "I think I need Namjoon for this one."

"Great. I'll get back to work." Yoongi turned and left without another word. Jin sighed again. He had a feeling he'd need all of Namjoon's diplomatic skills for this one. And as dangerous as it was to be out in public right now, he felt like he needed to be there.


"Y/LN, Y/N!" Y/N had just exited the towering apartment building when she heard her name called. She frowned and turned around, saw who called her, and took off at a fast speed. There was no way she was going to be late to another job interview because the boss of yesterday's creep wanted to talk to her.

Jin groaned. Why did a lady with such great legs also have to have them working so well...

He picked up his pace and caught up to her at the curb as she wanted for the pedestrian light to turn green.

"Ms. Y/LN." She didn't turn to face him, just clutched her purse tighter.

"Please leave me alone."
"But..." Jin was breathing slightly hard. "I have an offer for you..."

"I'm not interested in your offer, I want nothing to do with you. Please leave me alone." There was steel in her voice and something else. Something...Jin felt like he didn't want to find out what that something was.

"Please, ma'am." Namjoon stepped forward, into her line of vision, hands held out from his sides and voice steady and calm. No threat, see? We can just talk. "We just wanted to talk to you about yesterday. It wasn't what you thought it was." Y/N's head snapped around and she fixed him with a glare. If any of their clients could see this...they would laugh, Jin thought. Two of the most powerful men in South Korea, trying to reason with a small spitfire and worried she might not listen to them. Jin hoped there were no assassination attempts planned today, their guards had had to stay back out of fear that she'd feel overwhelmed.

"I'm not going to stand here and listen to more men make more excuses for predatory behavior. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get to a job interview." She snapped, starting to step past Namjoon. People had started to turn to look at them but stopped when the light turned green and they could cross. Jin was desperate. It had taken too much time to find the right person for her position. He didn't want to take anymore.

His hand shot out to grab onto her arm.

"You don't need to go to a job interview, I have an offer for you..." Y/N turned so quickly it almost caught him off guard. If he had been a different person it might've. The only reason her fist didn't drive into his face was his quick reflexes, his hand coming up to grab hers.

"I don't want to work at an office full of perverts!" Jin was still processing how quickly she'd moved. Jungkook had run the right background check, right? She was who she said she was?

"Ma'am, it's not what you think..." Namjoon tried again.

"Not what I think?! Not what I think?!" She ripped her fist out of Jin's hand and turned on Namjoon who stepped back, not expecting her reaction. "Two men physically assaulting me in broad daylight on the streets of Seoul after their creep of a coworker wants me to sleep with him for a job BUT IT'S NOT WHAT I THINK." Um. Well. She certainly had a temper. Now they were definitely attracting attention. Y/N stepped back, eyeing both of them warily, and before either could react she was in the cross-walk. There was just one problem.

The light had turned red and traffic was moving.

And Y/N had stepped right into the path of an oncoming taxi.

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