Whiskey Thoughts

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Jin felt like he'd interrupted something and, to his great surprise, that annoyed him. To his even greater surprise, when Yoongi pulled away from Y/N he didn't like the look Yoongi was giving him. He wasn't sure what it was but...yeah he didn't like it.

"Good morning." He set his feelings aside and gave Y/N a small smile.

"Morning." She was achingly slow in climbing off the stool to put her dish in the sink. Jin felt like he should say something else but he wasn't sure what.

"Um....feeling any better?" Yoongi looked at him like he was an idiot.

"Yeah, sure." She may be talking to Yoongi again but Jin was still on her bad side. She kept her head down and walked by him. Jin stood there feeling stupid for a moment before shaking himself and grabbing the same box of cereal Y/N had taken earlier.

"How's she feeling?" He asked Yoongi when the silence in the kitchen got too much to bear. Yoongi slid off his stool to make coffee.

"She's leaving as soon as I kill Kristy." Jin noted the new determination in Yoongi's voice and again he felt something he didn't like. Why did it take Y/N being in danger for Yoongi to finally do what was right...he took a bite of cereal.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. After Kristy....she's known now. Even if she runs to the end of the earth, people will think if they get her they get us." Jin had been thinking this over the past couple days. He tried to tell himself he was only concerned for her welfare.

"I don't think we have a choice in the matter." Yoongi said quietly, watching the machine start to brew the black wine. He may not have been facing Jin, but he could still feel the look the older shot him. "Seriously, you think you're going to be able to make her stay? And what? File for the rest of her life? What about the kids? Keep them locked up with no lives?"

"That's what this life involves..." Yoongi turned around and cocked an eyebrow.

"They didn't choose this life and they aren't in our gang. Unless you've changed your mind and are allowing women in now." A part of him hoped Jin would say that was exactly what he was thinking. But he knew it wouldn't be that easy as his boss shook his head. "So you're just going to keep them against their will?" Yoongi scoffed. "Good luck with that." He poured himself and Jin a mug each and set them on the island.

"We have the resources..."

"Jin, stop being an idiot." Jin looked up at Yoongi's sharp tone, slightly surprised. He wasn't sure why this was suddenly a touchy subject. Unless... "She won't give up, even if she's depressed right now. She'll fight you to the last nail. She doesn't want protection, she wants freedom. She's spent her whole life being controlled by men, become one of them and I'll hate to see what happens to you." Jin's eyes narrowed.

"Why do you care so much? You never care about anything." His breath hitched but he wasn't sure why. "Do you...do you like her?" Yoongi snorted.

"Not like how you mean. Which I literally just told her." Wait, what?

"Wait, she confessed to you...." Jin was finding this subject really upsetting, he couldn't think of another reason for it to come up, and Yoongi's amused look didn't help his attitude.

"No, but it's interesting that the thought upsets you so much." Jin was offended and recoiled, eager to defend himself, but before he could get a word out...."Don't bother denying it." Yoongi sighed. Denying what? Yoongi gave him a pointed look. "If you want her to stay, without becoming a part of the gang, you need to give her an incentive. And I think you need to take a good look at yourself before you'll be able to do that." He left the kitchen without another word, leaving Jin feeling confused and more upset than he felt he should feel. And he couldn't help but wonder...why?

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