Office Visit

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Time to go home. Jin had stayed the whole time, holed up in his office. Y/N wished he would've gone out but unfortunately he hadn't had anymore meetings and there were no surprise ones from Namjoon or Hoseok.

She tried to quietly get up and leave but heard his office door behind her as she walked to the elevator.

"Have a good night, Y/N." She turned around and gave him an unsure wave. Crime leader. Faker. She felt like his tone was trying to tell her more but she dismissed it as a figment of her imagination. She was just looking for something that wasn't there.

She cursed herself when she got two streets away from her apartment and realized she'd left her purse with her phone and wallet back at the office. She facepalmed, not seeing the person with a black cap watching her from across the crosswalk. Waiting. That person was completely surprised to see her shake her head and turn around, heading back the way she came.


Jin was on the phone, back to his office door, when the hair on the back of his neck prickled and he heard a faint click. He whirled around, complete shock sending his eyes wide open. He almost dropped his phone but caught himself quickly.

This....this....this couldn't be. He was supposed to be dead.

But the face....and the gun pointed at Jin's head, told him what he was seeing was very real.


"Hang up." The voice commanded authoritatively.

"You." Jin breathed the word, still too surprised to really obey. But the wheels in his head were already turning. He was in a bad position. His weapon was under the desk. The other one was behind the couch. He'd be shot before he could make it to either. Namjoon was on the other end but telling him would probably just trigger the explosion that would end Jin's life. "You're supposed to be dead." That was the only thing he could think of saying. There was a laugh.

"Very observant, as always." He gestured with the gun.

"Hang up."

"Jin, what-" Namjoon started but Jin hit the red button on his phone and held it out nonthreateningly. The man motioned again.

"Floor." Jin tossed the phone on the floor and held his hands up.

"What are you doing here? And how are you alive?" He finally said. There was a snort from the other man.

"Maybe I wasn't as dead as I looked. When you left me." The man spat on Jin's carpet and inwardly he cringed a little. It was expensive carpet. That was rude.

"Why are you in Seoul?" The man grinned.

"Because I hate you. And I want you to die." He pointed to the ground with his gun. "Get on your knees." There was no way out. Jin slowly did as he was told. He knew he was delaying the inevitable and there wasn't anything he could do. Everything resulted in him dying. He was torn between rushing the man and going out fighting and prolonging it just in case help somehow stumbled across him. But really, maybe Jungkook was on the computer lab level. But it didn't matter because he didn't know what was going on up here.

Jin had always thought when he faced death his life would flash before his eyes. That maybe he'd feel scared. So it surprised him that he mostly felt numb. Disbelieving. His life was about to end in a matter of seconds, probably after his former friend finished blameshifting and gloating, and he couldn't wrap his mind around it. There was one thought that crossed his mind and he stared down the barrel pointed at his head. He really wished he'd made Y/N feel listened to this morning. Of all the things to regret that was the one foremost in his mind. He knew after he was gone Yoongi probably would do the same thing, if she let him. But....he really wanted it to be him. He always commanded people and got stuff done but....sometimes he wanted to be able to do those things for others. Like when he'd helped Taehyung.

All this flashed through Jin's mind in a matter of two seconds. He still had his hands up but he'd glanced down to the carpet as he thought.

"Can't even look me in the eye." He didn't bother arguing, there was no point with this man. He was just trying to get a rise out of him. He'd deny it.

A ding.

It was faint but it was there. To his complete horror, Jin watched the elevator doors in the lobby open and Y/N stepped out, completely oblivious as to what was occurring in Jin's office. In fact, she couldn't even see Jin from her angle. Jin's attacker noticed his change of expression and followed his eyes out the window, then grinned wickedly, leaving Jin feeling sick to his stomach. He said nothing, just watched and waited.

Y/N reached her desk and bent down to get her purse. Jin knew if he'd been standing he'd probably have been able to sneak a little peek down her shirt. But right now that was the furthest thing from his mind as a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. His attacker looked back at him and gestured with his head towards her.

"Pretty thing. You tap that?" Jin shook his head, willing her to turn around and walk away, not look into the office.

Unfortunately, Y/N always had a mind of her own. As those thoughts crossed Jin's mind, she looked up into the office and frowned. She couldn't see Jin, just the other man.  Someone in Jin's office who shouldn't be.  The man had turned back to look at Jin and study his expression. Neither saw it but her hand smoothly glided under the desk and rested for a second, then she stood up, put on her stern secretary face and walked towards the door.

"Excuse me, can I...." Her voice trailed off as her view of the office got better and she saw her boss on his knees and the gun in the other man's hand.

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