Before The First Page

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It was unfamiliar to Y/N, this feeling of having all this time on her hands. Everyone else was asleep and she was standing in Jin's office, looking up at the massive bookshelf covering one wall. It felt like a lifetime ago but she had enjoyed reading. She wondered if her boss had anything worth skimming in here. She felt like his office should probably be locked but for whatever reason it wasn't. Her eyes narrowed and she stood on her tippy-toes to try and see the volumes just out of reach. There was one on Ancient Korean history, that was, of course, the one that interested her.

Most of the furniture in the room was sturdy but heavy and it took some effort to drag a chair over with her one good arm. She stopped to breath for a second before standing on it and reaching.

But she was still too short. Crap. She gripped the shelf in front of her and carefully stepped on the back of the chair, trying to keep her cast out of the way. Her stomach muscles ached in response to her sudden tenseness as she tried to keep her balance. She'd have to lean against the shelf, while using her good arm to reach up without putting too much pressure on her bad arm.

Yes, she really wanted that book. It was still barely out of reach, the tip of her middle finger grazing the top as she tried to pull it out a little. She grit her teeth and strained on her toes, feeling her situation becoming more precarious....

"What the hell are you doing." Y/N gasped and lost her balance, foot slipping off the chair. She grabbed the shelf in front of her but it wasn't enough to keep her from stumbling into the seat of the chair and then off-balance into Jin's waiting arms. She glared up at him.

"You startled me."

"What were you doing?" He asked, ignoring her accusation and gazing down at her.

"I can't sleep so I wanted to read." Jin sighed and shook his head, helping her down to the floor and then standing on the chair himself and easily grasping the book. Y/N inwardly cursed him for his tallness as he stepped back down and handed the book to her.

"Thanks." She said quietly, for the first time realizing that Jin was shirtless and just in lounge pants.  She was trying to decide how she felt about that...

"Next time you should call someone." He said firmly and she looked back up at him, narrowing her eyes.

"Everyone was asleep."

"I wasn't."

"It wasn't like I was gonna knock on your door to check." Jin sighed again. He was tired of this. All they did was fight. Y/N was never going to forgive him, he didn't have the same relationship with her that Yoongi had. He just needed to accept that.

He didn't reply and just pushed the chair back to its original position. Then a thought occurred to him.

"You said you couldn't sleep?" Y/N nodded as she walked towards the door.

"That's a pretty boring book. Do you want me to read it to you? I guarantee you'll be asleep by the time I turn the first page." Y/N stopped and turned to look at him suspiciously.

"I find stuff like this interesting." She clutched it to her chest. Jin couldn't help chuckling slightly.

"Then you shouldn't be reading it if you're trying to sleep. You'll just struggle to stay awake and keep reading." Well....he did have a point....Y/N bit her lip. She wasn't sleeping well and was tired all the time. Some of it was because of her injuries but some was because she was afraid of more nightmares. Cindi had managed to wake her up before they'd gotten too far but she lived in fear of waking the whole house up with her yells.

"Okay." Jin blinked as she held the book out to him. He hadn't exactly expected her to say yes but hurried to take the book and head down the stairs before she could change her mind. Y/N noted this. He purposefully didn't head to her room, he headed to an open area where anyone could walk in at any time. Exactly where she wanted to be.

Jin was already sitting in an arm chair, opened to the first page, when Y/N finally came down and plopped onto the couch. He cleared his throat and began reading as she laid back and closed her eyes.

And he was right. She was asleep by the time he turned the page.

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