Paper Pushers

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"C-Couldn't help getting his face smashed in." Jungkook said quickly, watching her reaction. To his relief, Y/N pursed her lips and shook her head. She hadn't overheard them. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're back." Yoongi said, a note of happiness in his voice.

"Yeah, Jimin said you needed a babysitter." Yoongi's face got a little darker.

"He did, did he. Maybe he's gonna need one too..."

"I'll catch you both later. Glad you're back, Y/N." Jungkook nodded and scurried past her, the tablet forgotten on Yoongi's desk.

"Did you get your morning coffee?" She asked Yoongi, who shook his head.

"K, I'll be back. Don't go anywhere." She threw over her shoulder, a smirk evident in her voice. Yoongi leaned back in relief. He knew he shouldn't have invaded her privacy but what was done was done. She wasn't a threat. He'd just have to keep her past in mind so he didn't accidentally do anything to remind her of it. He chewed his lip. It probably wasn't necessary to let the others know either. He'd keep it to himself for now and ask Jungkook to do the same.


When Jin walked in that morning he saw a fresh cup of coffee from Yoongi's favorite coffee shop sitting on his desk. He frowned. Yoongi should not be getting coffee in his state. He needed to rest. He glanced out the window to see Y/N standing in Yoongi's office, cup in hand, holding it out to the injured man. He smiled a little and looked down at the cup again. Peace offering? He'd take it.


"Thank you." Yoongi was a little touched that she'd gone out of her way to get his coffee. Jimin hadn't had time to stop this morning. For Y/N's part, she was still grumpy they weren't telling her what was going on but knew being mean wouldn't get her anywhere. And Yoongi, despite the fact that he was the reason for her current problem, had made a noticeable effort to make her feel welcome her first couple weeks here. So she figured it was only fair she return the favor while he was an invalid.

"I know you're busy doing some stuff for Jimin but I doubt it will fill all your hours here so you're going to help me with a project." She announced. Yoongi cocked an eyebrow and settled back in his seat.

"Oh? Who said I would?" She fixed him with a no-nonsense look that made him think twice about questioning her.

"I did."

"Okay, Princess. What did you sign me up for?" He teased. She frowned but decided to not address the name right then.

"You're going to help me digitalize your files. This is the 21st century, not the dark ages. I can't believe Mr. Jeon lets you all get away with this." Yoongi spit out his coffee, coughing in pain and holding a hand against his ribs.

"That'll take months!"

"So we should get started as soon as possible then."


"No, buts. I've had enough buts from you lot." She crossed her arms, daring him to challenge her. He finally sighed and rolled his eyes skyward, as if asking the heavens why it was him that was subjected to this treatment.

"Fine." He grumped. "But I have a condition."


"Stop calling me Mr. Min. It makes me feel old. First name, or no help." Y/N looked at him uncomfortably and he sighed. "I promise I'm not going to do anything to you, Y/N. It's just really weird for you to keep using our last names."

"It creates distance." She said quietly. He just kept looking at her and it was her turn to sigh.

"Fine. I'll try." He smiled.

"Okay, show me how you want to do this."


It involved a looooot of scanning and double-checking on tablets but Yoongi found he didn't mind because after an hour or so Y/N actually began to relax around him. He had to be careful what he said but he found embarrassing stories about his brothers was the way to go. He'd finished one about Namjoon attempting to cook a surprise meal for Jin's birthday and almost setting the kitchen on fire, when she let loose with a big, hearty laugh. It startled him but he watched her in amazement and couldn't help laughing too. Her smile lit up the room.

"What's so funny?" Jin poked his head in, feeling a little left out. He could hear them in his office.

"Yoongi was telling me about your wonderful birthday meal." She laughed again, eyes focused on scanning another document in.

"Ah." Jin smiled then looked at the mess of papers scattered around Yoongi's office. "What's all this?"

"I'm digitizing you." She pointed her finger at him and wagged it. "And once I do I better not see another paper on my desk ever again." Jin thought of the papers he'd been stacking up on his desk this morning and hoped she wouldn't be too mad when she saw them. In the quiet after the comment he took a moment to just sit back and appreciate the scene in front of him. Yoongi was favoring his side but looked happy, something Jin hadn't seen for awhile. And Y/N....he had been surprised when he'd seen her smile. It was gorgeous. She seemed relaxed and almost like a completely different person. He leaned against the doorjamb, eyes traveling from the side of her face down her body. If she didn't have other marketable skills she would've been great working for Taehyung. And maybe Jin could've been the one to test her out....

"Hyung?" Jin heard a cleared throat and blushed when he realized they'd both caught him staring at her. Again. She'd already caught him several times since starting to work here. It was his turn to clear his throat.

"Thanks for the coffee earlier, Y/N." He mumbled and pushed himself off, quickly walking away. He heard Yoongi snicker but ignored it. His thoughts got too lost when he did that, he needed to be more careful.

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