"You're Sexist."

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Y/N was frozen, mouth slightly open, just staring at him. Yes, she'd noticed the lustful looks, but....she had definitely never expected someone like Jin to want anything more than that. And now here he was confessing?

Despite how pissed she'd been at his secrets, she respected him. She respected his work and he definitely hadn't had to go out of his way to encourage her and be understanding of her panic attacks. She understood why he kept things from her, even though she felt she had had a right to know and disliked it. As she'd been having more time to heal she'd remembered their confrontation with Anthony and how Jin made a point of greeting her each morning when she came into work. But she also remembered how pushy he'd been to get her to start at his work.

Respect for him? Yes, it was there. Feelings though? He was attractive but Y/N had long since accepted that it was her fate to never find love. At least in the arms of a man.

When Jin looked up she was still frozen, brain short-circuiting, not sure what to say. He sighed.

"I want you to stay, Y/N. With...with me. All of you. We can take it at your pace, I don't want to push anything on you but....yeah, I like you." Still she stared and didn't say anything. His heart sank. "Say something please." He was a cool, collected mafia boss until he was in the presence of this woman.

"We can't." Her voice was so low he almost missed it. This pain....what was this pain? Was this how Yoongi had felt after everything Kristy had done?

"Why not?" He hated how pitiful he sounded. There were so many reasons spinning through her head but she decided to stick to the main ones, the ones not having to do with her.

"Jin." Surprisingly, she used his first name. And he loved how it sounded on her lips. "You're in the mafia. I'm practically begging for them to die young. And..." She licked her lips. Something that had been bothering her for a long time, something they kept referencing and bringing up.

"...honestly, you're kind of sexist. Do you really think someone like me can handle that from you?" Jin blinked. What? Sexist? What? He felt slightly offended by the accusation.

"Do you care to explain that last statement." His voice instantly turned cold and he sat up straighter, looking her in the eyes now. He had done bad things, true. But that didn't mean people could just slap untruths on him. Y/N sat up too and he saw the fire flash in her eyes. She had her chance to name this, she was going to take it.

"Yeah. Let's start with a question. How many women work for you?" Jin cocked an eyebrow.

"I have 30 women that you've seen working in my business...."

"In your gang." He stopped.

"None." He finally admitted. She nodded, as if that said everything she wanted it to. "That doesn't mean anything." He insisted. "If you'd been through what we've been through..."

"Oh, so what? One woman hurts one of you and you decide the whole lot of my gender should be banned from your organization? Like men never pull shit like that? My family is put in danger and you kept that from me because I was a girl? Because women can't be involved in your organization?" She was never going to let that go.

"Show me a woman in our line of work who can be trusted. Show me one." No, he was not going to give in on this. He stood up, looking down on her, and she stood up too. Despite the height difference, they were equally matched. Y/N's personality made up for everything she lacked in inches. They stood glaring at each other before she broke the silence.

"How can I? You never let any of them in and give them a chance. You just assume they're all crazy and out to get you."

"My policy has served me well." Jin raised his voice slightly but stopped when Y/N looked at him with sad eyes and shook her head. She knew what arguing with men like him got her.

"Yeah, I guess it has." She said quietly, looking him in the eyes before slowly turning away.

"You do the exact same thing." He was hurt. He was hurt that she was saying this to him. He realized in her eyes he must look like a pretty bad person and that hurt. "Because one man did something despicable you condemn us all, assuming we're all out to get you." Y/N stopped and turned back to him. And Jin realized maybe saying that had not been his best idea ever.

"Are you FUCKING SERIOUS." Her voice was the loud one now. "It hasn't been one man. It's been man after man, over and over and over! I give chances, I fucking give you ALL CHANCES! And each time you show me that I'm stupid for doing it! Because I want to protect myself from scum I'm somehow on the same level as a person who condemns a whole gender based on the actions of one?! I applied for a job with you and one of you tried to seduce me! I told you I didn't want the job and you wouldn't take no for an answer! I come to work for you and everyday I walk in you're undressing me in your head! And I still gave you all A FUCKING CHANCE! We are not on the same level, Jin. Fuck you. Fuck you and your stupid crime organization. I want nothing to do with you." She hissed out the last part and before he could reply, left the room.

Jin just stood there, trying to process. What he felt...it felt worse than when he'd realized he loved her, that he was vulnerable because of her. Because even if he couldn't fully admit it just yet, he knew in a quiet corner of his mind that everything she had just said was 100% right. And he hated being wrong.

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