Saving Jimin

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In her haste Y/N hadn't seen the man standing just to her left, the man that now had a gun to her head and an arm around her throat. The man she had just spoken to laughed and she could only hope Yoongi had heard enough to know to not come through the door after her. After several seconds of silence she was confident that he'd heard. Her relief was short-lived as Jin turned to look at her with teary eyes.

She didn't like this, she didn't like being restrained. She grunted and tried to elbow the man holding her but felt something hard hit the side of her head, dazing her. He'd hit her with the butt of the gun. Now her vision was blurry.

"The secretary, huh?" Jin had a look of horror on his face now. He didn't want her here, he couldn't bear to see her be tortured too. Paul stepped back from Jimin and put the contraption down. Jimin made no noise as his head was released , only slumped in his chair. Paul nodded to a couple of the men who had moved towards the door. "Seal off this level. I don't know who's upstairs but I don't want to be interrupted." Y/N heard no shouts of alarm when they stepped past her into the hallway so Yoongi must've hidden himself. Paul walked over to her, looking her over. "You're that one that annoyed my ally." Y/N blinked at him, slightly disoriented and confused.

"Kristy? No." She shook her head. "You got it wrong. She annoyed me." Oh for Christ's sake, Y/N. Don't say anything else. Jin pleaded mentally, trying to keep his facial features smooth. He couldn't give away that he cared.

Paul looked her up and down again. It was his turn to look confused.

"I thought you didn't hire women, Seokjin." Before Jin could reply Y/N was speaking.

"He doesn't. He's sexist and hides behind a sob story about one crazy lady who probably had Borderline Personality Disorder to justify it." For once, Paul was speechless. Here he was, holding all the cards, planning to torture them all to death, and this pip-squeak of a woman was not only sassing him without a tremor in her voice but had....just called her own boss sexist. The man she was working for. She certainly didn't hold back. He took a step closer and bent down, bringing his face to Y/N's level.

"I don't think you know who I am but you should be very afraid." Y/N didn't flinch, just stared straight back.

"I know exactly who you are." She said, fire edging her voice. Paul tilted his head questioningly. "You're a bully."

"I'm a lot more than that, sweetheart."

"It doesn't matter. At the core you're all the same. You get off on hurting people who shouldn't be hurt."

"Do you have any idea who the men you work for are?"

"The mafia." Paul shook his head in amazement.

"And you think they shouldn't be hurt?"

"All I know is that they don't kidnap people so past lovers can rape them, which is more than I can say for you." Y/N spat. Paul snorted and stepped back. "Untie Jimin. I think I want a turn with this one." He looked at Jin and said lightly, "You don't mind, do you, Jin? She's a secretary so she hasn't had the training you all've had." Y/N struggled as she was dragged to the chair and Jimin was unceremoniously shoved off it onto the ground next to her, a slight moan coming from his mouth. Jin bit the inside of his cheek. Don't give it away, don't give it away.

"I think she's had a more effective kind of training." He said quietly as she was tied to the chair. He looked into her eyes and saw, despite all her brave words, she was afraid. And it killed him. He just wanted to wrap his arms around her and protect her. And he couldn't.

"I guess we'll see." Paul mumbled, looking over his cart. "She's got one arm out of commission, maybe I'll take out the other one." And right then....the lights went out.


Hoseok had no mercy. Anyone who was in his way, including one of his former dealers, went down. He was pissed off, and pissed off Hoseok was a force to behold. They couldn't open the warehouse door? Blow it up. Couldn't find the entrances to the other levels? Blow the floor up, make an entrance. He'd finally found and led the way up the stairs, clearing each level. He found Kristy's dead body in one room, along with clothes he recognized as Yoongi's. He wasn't sure what it meant but he was satisfied that at least she no longer walked the earth.

Now downstairs, clearing level after level. He found Namjoon and Taehyung in a cell. Namjoon was a little roughed up but okay, Taehyung had sustained blood loss despite Namjoon's ministrations. The only thing they knew was that Jimin had been with them and had been taken. Jin and Yoongi had both been taken somewhere else.

"You need to go to the hospital."

"No, I need to help take this guy out." Taehyung said stubbornly, hoisting a weapon and glaring at his hyung. Hoseok decided not to argue more. He understand exactly how Taehyung felt.

They finally reached one level where the door wouldn't budge. Hoseok tried kicking it down but it didn't work. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. If it was locked then that's probably where his brothers were.

"I need more explosives." He radioed Taeyong.

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