The Truth Revealed

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Yoongi didn't feel hungry anymore but he felt like him not eating might discourage Y/N as well and he needed something to do besides feel awkward. So he ate.

Y/N eventually quieted and withdrew into herself, once again just feeling dead. And tired. So tired. But she didn't want to sleep anymore.

The silence grew unbearable so eventually Hoseok found the remote and turned on the TV. And all three watched it, together. Quietly.


Except for Namjoon, who was at the office, the next morning the other six members of Bangtan all assembled in Y/N's room and sat down. Jin didn't want to tell her what she was involved in. He didn't want to break his rule. But he knew everyone else was right. She was too involved, she had a right to know.

"So, I guess to get started I do have one question." Jimin asked finally, when no one spoke up and the silence had stretched on for too long. "What were you all doing out on the street so late?"

"Leaving." Y/N said bluntly, looking him in the eye.

"Leaving for where? Why?" Y/N didn't flinch as she said her next words carefully.

"I know what Bangtan is, Mr. Park. And I know who Agust D is." Yoongi winced. Stupid Byung-ho. "Did you really think I'd stick around so I can come home one day and find a bullet in all three of my siblings?" Jimin sighed and looked away. Jin cleared his throat.

"Yes, we're in the mafia. We're a gang. And I have damn good assassins. Bangtan is basically the most powerful gang in Seoul and Korea. We're the reason why people don't have to worry about getting shot when they walk out their front door."

"Unless they're in the business." Hoseok added.

"Even then. It's much safer since we established all our treaties."

"Great. I'm sure all the people you've murdered find that comforting." Y/N said sarcastically. Jin frowned.

"I don't kill people without provocation. I'm not the best man, Y/N, but don't mistake me for some heartless bastard."

"Yeah, because that's me." Yoongi finally piped up. There was no way Y/N would want to stay friends with him, her walls were already back up. It had been stupid of him to think he could have any kind of friendship with a woman. Y/N didn't look at him.

"I know it hasn't been easy for you since joining us. But if it helps we just frickin' destroyed a whole gang because the leader took you from us. We will protect you if you let us, Y/N."

"Why would I let you? Why would I want to stay and put myself and my siblings in harm's way." Glances were exchanged and Jin coughed awkwardly. Curse this woman and her ability to make him feel so flustered. He didn't catch it but Yoongi was watching him with a quirked eyebrow.

"Because..." He took a deep breath. "Because I can't let you leave." It was so quiet you could've heard a pin drop. Then...

"Fuck this shit."

Despite her injuries Y/N was up and off the bed, flinging the door open and storming out, using the hallway wall to support herself.

"Y/N!" Too late, Jin realized that they hadn't told Cindi, Tab, and Drake that Y/N was awake. And they definitely hadn't said anything about her injuries. He was up and he and Jungkook were out the door, but it was too late.

"You're awake!" Then... "Holy shit." Then... "Mr. Jungkook, what the fuck..."

"Language, Cindi!" Jungkook said automatically, trying to brush past the girl to grab her sister. Y/N had her hand on the front door doorknob but was stopped by Jin slamming his hands on either side of the door, trapping her.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." He said softly. "But I can't let you leave."

"Let. Me. Go. You have no right to keep me here." Y/N seethed, anger simmering in her heart. Jin knew he had to pick his next words carefully. He had the ability to force her to stay but it would be so much easier if she cooperated.

"Your family."

"You're threatening my..."

"No, I'm protecting." He cut her off. "Kristy is still out there, the woman who kidnapped you. Until she's dead, if you leave, she'll kill you after she tortures your family and shoots them in front of you one by one." He dropped his voice. "Just like what she wanted to do to you in front of Yoongi." Y/N didn't say anything for a moment but her forehead hit the door.

"Why did you let her live." She asked quietly.

"Because Hoseok had to choose between killing her and saving you. And I know you hate us but we do care about you." There was silence again, filled only with the sound of their breathing and Jungkook and Cindi bickering. Jin realized his breath was brushing on her neck. If he moved just an inch closer he could rest his lips there....

He mentally shook himself. Inappropriate, completely inappropriate. This wasn't some boss and secretary cliche.

"What happens after that?"

"After that I won't make you stay."

"So just until this Kristy twit is gone."

"Yes. Assuming no other danger presents itself to you." Y/N's shoulders slumped.

"Fine." It was so soft he almost didn't hear it.

"Y/N...?" Jin heard a tentative voice by his elbow and looked over to see Drake. He stepped back to let Y/N turn and face her brother. She gave him a weak smile. "Y/N, are you okay?"

"Yeah, baby. I'm okay."

"What did they do you?" Cindi had turned away from Jungkook, coming closer.

"Nothing time won't heal."

"Can we leave?" Tab's voice piped up from where she was surveying the scene from the couch.

"Not yet. We're staying here for awhile." All three of the kids glowered and Jin felt himself gulp. They looked as scary as their sister...

"You guys, she needs to rest. Let your sister heal, okay?" Jungkook tried to gently pull them away, concerned at how pale Y/N was becoming.

"I want to sleep with her." Cindi said. "I don't trust you guys."

"Um...we'll see." Jin said, somehow not liking the idea but not sure why. Cindi opened her mouth to spout off a sassy retort but at that moment Jin was distracted by Y/N tightly gripping his shoulder.

"Ji...gonna..." And with that his secretary dropped, him barely reacting in time to catch her. Jungkook leaned forward, helping Jin bundle her up into his arms.

"I think she overexerted herself." Jin, Captain Obvious, observed under his breath, walking past her siblings and towards the stairs.

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