Precious Gofer

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Jin was a hard worker. Even after his recent sleeping problems, he still worked his ass off. Bangtan was the reason the city had any peace at all between the many gangs that inhabited it. Despite his life of crime, Jin had still dreamed of doing some good in this world. And he'd found others as well. Seven friends, seven brothers, who lived outside of the law but in a way helped regulate it. It had taken many hours, many all-nighters, and a few deaths here and there but a begrudging peace had been given to Seoul. The various gangs followed the treaties they had signed, respecting territories and trying not to set off gang wars that would destroy whoever started it.

Namjoon was brilliant and Bangtan was a solid ally, allowing them to tie everyone up in a bunch of contracts that practically guaranteed peace. Or it had.

Jin had gotten used to being able to move freely until the attempt on his life some weeks back. The would-be assassin had been killed, the price Jin had paid for his own life. He was alive but no one knew who had sent that person. There were no identifying markers, even though they suspected it was one of their "allies". Once and awhile there were grumblings, usually silenced by a death or two. Sometimes leaders got a little big for their britches and wanted to take the competition out. So the price he paid for his life was losing freedom of movement. Bodyguards, insisted on by his brothers, followed him everywhere.

Right now they stood outside the hospital room door, giving Jin peace and privacy with Yoongi. Jin had restlessly woken up early that morning to see his phone flooded with missed calls from both Y/N and Jungkook, as well as several frantic text messages. Usually hitmen had freedom of movement. Everyone was too scared of them to risk reprisal if an attack failed. But someone had tried to take Yoongi out. He hadn't said anything before falling unconscious so now Jin waited for him to wake up and hopefully give them a target to teach a lesson.

While he waited, he uneasily mulled over the situation. His original intention for hiring Y/N was twofold. First, they had a few above level business partners they kept their illegal activities from. Sometimes people got nosy and having someone who didn't just feign ignorance but was ignorant would come in handy. And thus far, Y/N was playing her role very well. She asked no questions and seemed to want to maintain a respectful distance from all of them, reassuring Jin that no indiscretions would happen when his back was turned. Like previously.

Second, they really weren't trying to be sexist but they had found women did not jive well with the underground world they lived in. The women who did were batshit crazy in their experience, thus why they had a men-only policy in their gang. They had learned this the hard way and weren't eager to repeat the lesson anytime soon. The women that worked with them were kept in the dark or had only a vague idea of what was going on. They were a peripheral support network, although even that made Jin uneasy. It was why none of them had significant others.

And now....well now he'd have a mess to clean up. There was no way Y/N wouldn't have questions after this and rightfully so. There was also no way he was going to tell her the truth. If she knew it and it didn't scare her off that would scare him. And if it did, well then, he'd have to start the job hunt. Again. He was getting kinda tired of that. It took precious time away from their other activities.

No, no. His pretty, ignorant secretary would need to remain that way.

He heard a groan and was distracted by his thoughts to see Yoongi stirring, fingers weakly grasping at the sheets.

"......oh, god. I feel like I got hit by a truck."

"You look like you got hit by a truck." Jin smiled slightly as he teased the bedridden man.

"Thanks, hyung. Way to lift my spirits." Another groan. Jin's smile faded.

"Yoongi, who did this to you?" There was a shrug, then a wince.

"I don't know. You saw the picture I sent Tae?" Jin nodded. "I sent it, climbed out the window, and he was on the roof. He...." Yoongi faltered, trying to think. His mind was still kind of hazy and the pain wasn't helping. "I think he knew you." Jin's eyebrows shot up.

"Knew me?"

"Yeah." Yoongi licked his lips and Jin quickly reached for the glass of water on the nightstand and offered it to him. "Thanks." Yoongi took short sips to keep from choking on it.

"He said....he wanted to see how you would take losing me. He called me your 'precious gofer'." Something about that phrase rang a bell in the back of Jin's mind but he couldn't think of what it was. It was just at the edge of his memory, skating around being grasped at. Jin stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"It does ring a bell but I can't remember where I've heard it before." He said finally. Yoongi pursed his lips and winced as he felt the ache in his jaw. "We'll get Jimin and Jungkook on it and see if they can find anything."

"I'm..." Yoongi hesitated. "...I didn't tell her anything. I'm sorry for involving her. She was the closest person I felt I could trust." Jin sighed and ran his hand over his face.

"I'll have to....I'll have to have a talk with her. I'm not sure we can keep her after this." Yoongi knew why Jin thought that but...something told him it'd be fine. He wasn't alarmed. Out of all of them, he had the most reasons to be distrustful of women, but Y/N was unlike the women that ran in their world. He couldn't put his finger on why....yet.

"I don't think you should be too eager to dismiss her, hyung." Jin looked at him as he stood up to leave.

"Why not?"

"I just....I have a feeling, that's all." He'd have to do a bit more digging to be sure.


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