"Hey, Daddy."

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If there was one thing that Cindi had been raised to do it was not just there and take a butt-whooping from the world. Her mother had been a God-fearing woman who nevertheless believed your fate was what you made it. Sure she might be emotionally rough around the edges and a sasser, but Cindi knew right from wrong and had her head screwed on straight. Well....mostly straight. She occasionally needed to crack her neck.

The first thing she noticed was that Y/N's phone had dropped out of her pocket. After drying her tears, she searched for one contact name in her sister's phone. She still struggled with Hangul but she recognized the name she was looking for: 전 정국. She tried to stop her sniffles, having absorbed her sister's propensity to hide her emotional state as much as possible at an early age.

"Y/N? Did you get home okay?" Jungkook was startled by the fresh round of crying Cindi was unable to hold back. "Y/N?! What's wrong? Are you having another attack?" Attack? That word broke through Cindi's fear-addled brain. Had Y/N had an attack at work? She hadn't said anything...

"They took her." She managed to blurt out, trying to stop crying.

"Wha...who...who's this?"

"It's Cindi. They took her." Jungkook had been walking back down to his lab and stopped, confused. Jin was ahead of him but stopped when he realized Jungkook wasn't following him. He had been too lost in his own thoughts to listen to Jungkook's end of the conversation. Cindi....Cindi...Cindi....?

"Y/N's sister...?" He said hesitantly, not sure if he'd made the correct identification. He might've mixed up the name with the name of the woman he'd slept with last night.

"Yes! Mr. Jeon, they took her."

"Who? Took who? Who's they?" Jin was walking back to him, curious as to what was going on. Who are you talking to, he mouthed. Jungkook held his hand up as a gesture to not make any noise while he tried to get his bearings.

"Y/N. They took her. I don't know who. They..." Cindi's words ended in a sob before she took a deep breath. "We were going to the airport and a taxi stopped but it wasn't a taxi and they grabbed her..." Cindi broke down crying again while Jungkook had gone pale. He covered his phone with his hand.

"Someone took Y/N. They left her sisters and brother." It was Jin's turn to turn pale. He'd been feeling tired but a fresh burst of adrenaline pumped through his veins.


"She doesn't know. Cindi? Hey, Cindi? Where are you right now? Can you tell me?" Cindi gave him the directions. "Okay, stay there unless it's not safe. I'm sending someone to get you. Okay?"

"O-Okay." Cindi was still crying as Jungkook hung up and quickly sent a text to one of his men.

"I could...."

"Don't even think about it. We don't know if someone's still out to get you and you almost died tonight. Not taking any chances." Jungkook said firmly before gently gripping his hyung's arm and pushing him towards the lab's door. "You're staying with me until this is all sorted." Jin bit his lip, a new stress added to his already intolerable pile. Who had taken Y/N? Why Y/N?


Yoongi groaned as his phone went off yet again. He'd answered it earlier, it'd been Jungkook, informing him of an attack at headquarters. They were all needed there immediately. Since the attack hadn't been successful and Yoongi knew Jungkook was extremely competent, he lay in bed for a few more minutes, finding the ceiling a lot more interesting than the thought of swinging his legs over the bed and standing up. If someone came in to kill him right then he wasn't sure he would resist. He didn't want to move.

Well that was a slight exaggeration. He probably would resist. It was hard to nap when you were dead.

He frowned when he saw the number calling. He didn't recognize it. He debated answering, waiting until the sixth ring, then realized answering might mean laying in bed longer with a good excuse. So answer he did.

"Hello?" He yawned. Why couldn't people be decent and try to kill them between 9 and 5?

"Hey, Daddy. It's been awhile."  Yoongi shot straight up in bed, all thoughts of exhaustion banished from his mind. His skin was cold but a sheen of sweat was developing on his skin and his hands were shaking. Her. He knew it was only a matter of time but still....her.

"You know I hate it when you call me that." His tone was neutral, not indicating his extreme agitation.

"But you are my Daddy." The voice cooed and he got goosebumps on his skin.

"I have no children." He said simply, refusing to play the game. He could picture her pouting on the other end.

"Awww, Daddy doesn't want to play? What a terrible father figure, not wanting to play with his....little girl." Her voice turned seductive and he shuddered at the mental picture she was painting. He closed his eyes and swallowed, hoping she couldn't hear it.

"What do you want?" Keep voice calm. Don't let her hear how she affected him still.

"Mmmmm, well I have something of yours. Something I assume you want back."

"Oh?" Yoongi hadn't noticed anything important to him missing lately. Everything was accounted for.

"Yes. Say hi, dear." There was silence for a moment. Yoongi heard the sounds of a struggle and then a painfully audible crack, followed by a muffled shout of pain. "I said say hi! Or I'll break the other one!"

"H-hi." Yoongi barely caught the phone from dropping out of his hands. No. No, it couldn't be. They had security at her place. There was no way this insane woman had gotten past that.

"Much better. You hear that, Daddy? You hear that voice? Do you recognize it?"

"I recognize it." Calm. Level. Calm. Level.

"I got your toy. I got your play thing. Baby's very unhappy that you got another toy, Daddy. Only Baby wants to be your toy."

"You're not my toy." Yoongi corrected, his mind already calculating. She shouldn't have been able to grab Y/N. But somehow she had. It didn't matter how, he needed to figure out how to find out where she was and get her out of here.

"Yes. I. Am." Yoongi heard an audible smack and winced. "Deny it again and I won't smack her, I'll break her jaw. Now..." The voice had turned from little-girl whiney to full-on ordering. "You know what I want."

"I can't give you that." Yoongi said quietly, hating himself with each word.

"Well, you know the rules. I can't have you, nobody can. You wanna stay on the line and listen to her scream? I'll take it slow, I don't want you to fuck this up again and forget who holds a place in your heart." He resisted the urge to tell her she had no place in his heart. A place on his karma list though, yes.

"I don't have time." It killed him but he hung up, closing his eyes in pain. He knew who this was. And he knew that no matter how fast he moved if she wanted Y/N dead, Y/N would be dead before he could do anything. Maybe at least, now that he wasn't listening, Y/N's death would be quick.


Everyone except Yoongi was piled into Jungkook's lab, listening as Jin summarized the night's events.

"Any luck in locating her?" Hoseok asked. Jungkook shook her head.

"I'm waiting for her siblings to get here. That might give us a lead."

"Who would've taken her? She doesn't know anything, every other gang in the city knows our policies."

"She thinks she's important to me." All heads spun as Yoongi entered, looking defeated, hands in pockets.

"What?" Jin asked. Everyone else looked confused. He was the only one who picked up on what Yoongi was saying. But he hoped he was assuming wrong.

"She. Thinks. She's. Important. To. Me." There was silence. Then it sunk in. They all looked at each other.

"Oh Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, holy fucking shit." Hoseok spoke for the horror on all their faces.

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