"You Can Heal Here."

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Y/N was about to leave for the day when a knock on Yoongi's open office door made them both look up. Taehyung stood in the doorway, dressed semi-casually. He had a button-up top on with the top three buttons undone but was wearing dark jeans.

"Thanks, man." He said. Yoongi just nodded an acknowledgment. He knew Taehyung probably felt a little bad that Yoongi had been caught off guard while taking care of a problem for him. For Y/N's part, she was surprised to see Taehyung here. Out of all of them, he was the one she saw the least. In fact, she'd only seen him once since the meeting where everyone was introduced. The only reason she hadn't forgotten he existed was the mail she put on his desk every afternoon.

"What's up?" Taehyung pointed at Y/N in response to Yoongi's question.

"Grab your purse. You're coming with me." Y/N gave him a surprised and puzzled look, gesturing to herself questioningly.


"Yes. You."

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"Jin wants me to talk to her and I'm starving so I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone." Y/N looked uncomfortable. She didn't know Taehyung really and now suddenly they're going to dinner?

"It'll be fine." Yoongi said quietly. He had an idea of what Jin wanted Taehyung to tell her. Y/N didn't look convinced.

"I promise I don't bite." Taehyung sighed, stepping back out of the doorway. "Also my schedule is kinda packed so please..." He gestured towards the lobby. Y/N slowly got up, looked at Yoongi once more for reassurance, then headed for her desk to grab her purse.


Beyond asking her what she wanted to eat, Taehyung didn't say anything until they'd placed their orders. Y/N was avoiding looking at him, still not comfortable with suddenly being out to dinner with a man she didn't know.

"So you're probably wondering why we're here. It's my favorite restaurant." He started off, trying to ease the tension he felt in the air. The reality was, he hadn't been entirely sure he'd be able to keep himself from trying to flirt with Y/N so he had basically avoided the offices since she'd started working there. From what Jin had told him, this had been wise on his part. Sometimes Taehyung misjudged when women were playing hard to get and when they were serious and if he'd assumed wrong he might've been the one to trigger her.

"That....wasn't exactly the top question in my mind." Y/N said, eyes looking firmly at her water glass. Taehyung chuckled a little and leaned back.

"It's okay to look at me, you know. I'm used to it. There's nothing wrong with appreciating art." He said confidently. Y/N looked at him now but it was to give him a disbelieving look. What a cocky asshole. Taehyung flashed her a grin that he hoped communicated that he was joking. Mostly. "So..." He took a sip of water. "Jin told me about what happened yesterday. I know it's kinda soon so I apologize if you're not ready but, like I said, my schedule's pretty crammed the next couple days and I didn't want to wait too long." He stopped talking to gather his thoughts.

"What'd you want to talk to me about?"

"About....your panic attack." Y/N tensed instantly.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." She said simply.
"Okay, well...really we're going to talk about me." Now Y/N looked confused. She wasn't following. Taehyung took a deep breath. "They told me. About what was in your file. Jin wanted me to talk to you because..." He took another deep breath. "You're not the only one around here who has a past. We've all had various traumas. We all deal with it differently. My way of dealing was similar to yours. I can tell you're a very closed-off person emotionally. And that's not a judgment, it's just an observation." He said quickly. "When I first...joined...I actually lived with Jin for awhile. I'd just gotten away from the source of my issues. I was a mess. A hard-working, smart mess. But a mess. And Jin put up with that. Jin let me work through it. Jin was there every night I woke up screaming from nightmares and every time I had a panic attack. I'd have them in the middle of...some of my jobs. And he didn't get frustrated or mad. He was patient and gave me the space I needed to heal." Taehyung paused to watch her reaction. Y/N looked thoughtful but didn't say anything. "My point in telling you this is to say that you don't need to be alone. We don't judge you for your issues, we have them too. You're a good worker and you've already been a massive help to Jin by taking care of the office stuff so he can focus on his real work. Jin wants you to know you don't have to be embarrassed by what happened, even if it happens again. You don't need to leave or maybe just emotionally clamp down or something. You can work on it here. You're safe." He shrugged. "I still have bad days. But....I've definitely experienced a lot of healing with my team. And...I think you can too." Taehyung finished right as the food arrived. Y/N said nothing for the longest time, just dug in, chewing on both her food and what he'd said.

To be honest it relieved her a little. She'd been very embarrassed and regarded it as extremely unprofessional, her panic attack. It calmed her some to know they understood somewhat.

"You guys really don't want me to leave." She said finally. He chuckled a little.

"I think you underestimate just how much of a pain in the ass Jin is when he's looking for a new secretary. It's...um..." He ran his fingers through his hair uncomfortably. "We...uh....haven't always had the best experiences with women and he has a lot of unofficial criteria he uses to avoid previous mistakes."

"I see."

They finished their meal in silence.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Taehyung asked after paying. She shook her head. "How's the security we assigned working out for you?"

"They...definitely have calmed my mind." Y/N said, thinking back to the two men she saw rotating near her apartment. It was obvious they were security but she figured that was kind of the point. She was glad her siblings hadn't noticed them.

"Have a good night. Call if you need to talk or anything." She appreciated the offer but honestly, she still didn't know Taehyung that well. It was nice of him to reach out to her but she just....she wasn't the kind of person to go running to other people with her problems. She always took care of them herself. Speaking of which, now that she was alone she pulled out her phone and opened her internet browser. Finally, she could maybe figure out some of what was going on.

Agust D. She furrowed her brow as she walked, scrolling through the search engine results. It was mostly internet forum sites. She opened several tabs and read as she walked.

"Oh shit, no. No, no, no." On the second tab she stopped walking, quickly scanning and then tapping the others. They all said the same thing. She knew these kinds of sites weren't always the most reliable but when a bunch of different ones all said the same thing she took it with more credibility. She quickly googled another keyword that came up in the posts.

Bangtan. This one had a few small internet news site articles. Again, not much. But more reliable. It all pointed to the same thing.

The exact details might be up for debate but there was one thing that could be concluded from this and one thing that made sense with the whispers she'd been overhearing, the double-speak they slipped into around her, and Yoongi showing up at her place thoroughly beaten.
They were a mafia gang. "Wow, Y/N. You bring them all the way to Korea to protect them and are working for one of the most powerful gangs in the country. And the best hitman in all of Asia is the man you just screamed at yesterday." She said to herself.

Well. Shit. What was she going to do now?

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