Jin Reaches Out

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"Deh." Jimin mostly listened, already mentally formulating a plan to get to the bottom of this. He was frustrated. Both he and Jungkook were some of the best when it came to digging up information and even they couldn't get a bead on Yoongi's attacker and the man killing Hoseok's men. Jimin was starting to think they were the same person. The killer had been unusually quiet, unless you counted Yoongi's attack. Then it seemed a schedule for hits was occurring.

"Whoever it is, I think Byung-ho knows. Focus there."

"Okay, I'll call Jungkook."

"Hey, Jimin?" Jimin had been about to hang out but stopped at the change in Yoongi's voice.

"Yeah?" Yoongi sounded.....unsure. Which was unusual for him.

"Byung-ho said some things. They seemed to go over her head. But he almost told her everything."

"You need to let Jin know. Just in case." He heard Yoongi sigh.

"I know. I'm just....like normally his paranoia would make sense to me but I like having her around." There was a pause. "Of course, if she knows and stays then maybe that means she's not the kind of person I should be friends with." Friends. Jimin had noticed the closeness developing between Yoongi and Y/N. Nothing more would develop, he knew Yoongi too well for that, but it had surprised him that his hyung was even willing to consider a woman as a friend.

"Hopefully she didn't catch what he was saying." He switched back to the original topic. He didn't want to cut off his hyung but time was of the essence. "We'll talk more tomorrow morning, okay?"

"K, thanks. Bye." Yoongi hung up and Jimin quickly dialed Jungkook.

"Kook, can you get our guys on any surveillance footage we have of Byung-ho? Yes, Byung-ho. He might be the key to figuring this shit out."


"It's difficult to reach her apartment, ma'am. Bangtan has placed security around it, ever since Mr. Min's visit." She hissed and her look turned feral as she threw the coffee mug sitting on her desk across the room. It shattered.  He flinched.

"Fucking slut, he's mine!" She growled before fixing her gaze on the man before her. "Figure a way around it. If we can't grab her family then hit her on her way from work. Just get her out of the picture before she works some magic I can't undo." He inwardly sighed.

"Yes, ma'am."


It was early morning and Y/N sat in the living room, coffee in hand, debating whether or not to go into work or pack up everything and flee the country. She couldn't believe Taehyung had literally been sitting there, trying to ensure she didn't leave the company, assuring her this was a safe space for her. It was a frickin' gang! In the mafia! All those men had issues if the first word that came to mind when they thought of themselves was "safe".

She was working with murderers. And potentially worse. Some of the posts had talked about weapons' dealing, drug dealing, and prostitution. Not to mention hits. Yoongi, the man who had just hugged her the day before to apologize for scaring the crap out of her, apparently had one of the longest kill streaks in all of Asia. Maybe even the world.

She couldn't wrap her mind around it. These men did horrible things. They hurt people. How could...even she, one of the best at assuming the worst of others, had trouble wrapping her mind around this. Jin had literally held her during her whole panic attack. How much blood was on those hands?

And what had she gotten her siblings into? Someone was obviously after Yoongi. Would that someone come after them? Would the protection be enough? Was she endangering her siblings by accepting protection from Bangtan? Would that maybe piss a rival off? But if she just disappeared....would that piss them off? Could she risk having those seven men as her enemies?

She sighed. It didn't matter right now. Not going into work would raise suspicion. She had to get away but for now....best to play it cool and ignorant. Though, she wasn't sure if she should be offended if they believed her act.


Jin grinned broadly when he walked in and saw Y/N sitting at her desk.

"Gooood mooooorning!" He sang. Until she started working here he hadn't realized just how much he missed having a reliable face to come into most mornings. She gave him a small smile. "How you feeling?" He asked more quietly, getting serious for a moment. She shrugged.

"I'm fine, sir. It's not the first time I've dealt with that and it probably won't be the last."

"Have you...." He hesitated. It wasn't really any of his business at the end of the day. As long as nothing happened again or it happened away from work. "Have you thought about doing some kind of therapy or something....?" She sighed and he wondered if maybe he'd overstepped his bounds.

In reality, Y/N was sighing because she couldn't wrap her head around how sweet her head-of-an-illegal-gang boss was. It was logically incongruent. Yet it was there. She chewed her lip, debating whether she should answer him honestly or brush it off. Being open with people had normally not gotten her anywhere. She hadn't really had people to be open with.

"I...." Jin found himself holding his breath. A part of him wanted her to open up to him, to tell him what was going on in her head. Another part was screaming that that was a very bad idea. But didn't good bosses care about their secretaries? He was so focused on his internal war that he missed the first part of what she said.

"...up like that." He blinked.

"What, sorry?" Y/N, despite herself, had decided to take a small chance. Even if she knew people weren't trustworthy, there was a part of her that still wished there was someone out there she could confide in. A part that stuck itself out every once in awhile. A part she was regretting let make decisions right now.

"Nothing, sir." He had asked but evidently he hadn't wanted to actually hear. Her mistake for, once again, taking someone's words at face value. That's probably why he was the head of Bangtan. Good at faking. She mentally beat herself up, even while plastering on the same, fake smile that everyone else in the whole building wore. "Taehyung talked to me. I think you can consider yourself free of all obligation now. Your 9am meeting was canceled." She turned back to her computer, still smiling. But Jin hated her smile now. And himself. He was mentally kicking himself. Idiot. It took a lot to get her to open up and he'd just made her think he didn't care. He really wanted to know what she'd said. He really wanted to be the one she told it to. He was smooth on the streets and at high-class parties, but put him in front of a hurting woman that worked for him and he was all awkward and tongue-tied. He just stood and stared at her, turning this all over in his mind, when she turned and looked up at him again questioningly. He coughed and stepped towards his office.

"Thank you, Y/N." He shut the door behind him, allowing himself to breathe. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. He wanted to turn around, go back out, and tell her he really wanted to hear what she had to say. But it was too late.


Time to go home. Jin had stayed the whole time, holed up in his office. Y/N wished he would've gone out but unfortunately he hadn't had anymore meetings and there were no surprise ones from Namjoon or Hoseok.

She tried to quietly get up and leave but heard his office door behind her as she walked to the elevator.

"Have a good night, Y/N." She turned around and gave him an unsure wave. Crime leader. Faker. She felt like his tone was trying to tell her more but she dismissed it as a figment of her imagination. She was just looking for something that wasn't there.

She cursed herself when she got two streets away from her apartment and realized she'd left her purse with her phone and wallet back at the office. She facepalmed, not seeing the person with a black cap watching her from across the crosswalk. Waiting. That person was completely surprised to see her shake her head and turn around, heading back the way she came.


Jin was on the phone, back to his office door, when the hair on the back of his neck prickled and he heard a faint click. He whirled around, complete shock sending his eyes wide open. He almost dropped his phone but caught himself quickly.

This....this....this couldn't be. He was supposed to be dead.

But the face....and the gun pointed at Jin's head, told him what he was seeing was very real.  Once upon a time, his precious, little gofer.

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