Let Me Die

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Y/N knew Kristy had come back but she didn't care. She heard gunshots but she didn't care. She just wanted to die, she just wanted everything to end. She was done.

The gunfire eventually faded and Kristy's men nervously watched the locked door. Kristy stood behind her victim, almost as if she thought Y/N would act as a shield.

Everyone jumped when they heard a knock at the door. There was a long pause as they all exchanged glances in confusion. Then another knock was heard.

"Hey, I'm being polite. Open up before I shoot the lock." They heard through the door.  Kristy motioned one of her men over to hold a gun to Y/N's head and stepped back herself before nodding, allowing the door to be opened. Hoseok strode in, sweaty with streaks of gunpowder and blood on his face. His gun wasn't raised, he knew he had to get the lay of the room before he shot anyone. Kristy raised an eyebrow and cocked her head, surprise on her face. She hadn't expected...

"Where's Yoongi?" She demanded, the edge to her voice cutting across the tension in the room.

"Not here." Kristy stomped her foot, lips curling into a sneer.

"He's not strong enough to face me?"

"No." Hoseok put one hand in his pocket, his casual attitude belying the environment he was surrounded by. "We just figured you'd already killed her so there was no point."

"I was having fun but..." Kristy motioned and the man behind Y/N adjusted his gun pointedly. "I can fix that."

"Just give it up, Kristy. You're destroyed. We took out everything." Hoseok grinned. "And you'll never get him." He leaned forward, loud-whispering, like they were sharing some secret. "You lose." Hoseok had come down here expecting to kill Kristy. But as soon as he walked in and saw Y/N he knew he wouldn't be able to. As much as he hated the woman standing in front of him he'd get one shot. He didn't mind death but he hated unnecessary death. He wanted Y/N alive.

So when Kristy made her move his gun came out but it wasn't aimed at her, it was aimed at the man behind Y/N. The gunshot echoed through the room as Kristy suddenly wasn't there anymore and her men were scrambling to get away. If she wasn't staying there was no way in hell they'd sacrifice themselves for her. Hoseok might have been vulnerable but every man in that room knew that killing him would paint a target on their backs. Bangtan was out for blood and they had no protection now that their queen's kingdom had fallen.

Hoseok carefully approached the chair and crouched down, hissing when he observed the extent of the damage on Y/N's body.

"Y/N?" He said quietly, taking out a knife and leaning forward to cut her restraints. She fell forward and he caught her, her face pressing into his shoulder. "Y/N, I have you. You're safe." He rubbed her back as his men walked in. He'd insisted they'd stay behind until he'd gotten Kristy under control. He knew her men wouldn't fight back if they could get away with it. Cowards. What was a little hit out on you, Hoseok used to deal with them all the time.

"Hoseok." He heard her faintly reply and relief flooded his body. She'd be okay. She'd have a long recovery period but she'd be okay. He turned her slightly so he could look at her face and her eyes opened. He tried to read them but he wasn't sure what he was seeing.

"I got you. You're safe. So are your siblings." But her next words made his blood run cold as her eyes filled with tears.

"Hoseok..." She gripped onto his shirt with her good hand and turned her face back into his shoulder. "Mr. Jung, please just let me die."

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