When She Says No

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He snaked along the roof, silent as death, the clouds obliterating the light the moon would otherwise give and helping to hide him.  He was completely covered in black, down to the padded but gripping slippers he had clamped around his feet.

The window was locked but that wasn't a problem for him.  It just left the adrenaline coursing in his veins for a second more as he deftly unlocked it, the sweet pleasure of anticipation in the back of his throat.  He slid the window up and stepped inside.

The owner was stupid.  Maybe he thought what he'd done wasn't a big deal.  That no one would care.  That's why men like this didn't make it far in their world.  They underestimated those with a code.

The owner was asleep, tangled up in his bed, gun under the pillow.  He, the man in black, quietly removed it and set it aside, scanning to make sure no other weapons were hidden.  He'd hidden weapons every way imaginable, no one could get them past him.  When he was confident his prey was unarmed he kicked the bed.

The owner jumped up with a curse. Scrambling for his weapon, terror overtaking him when he realized it wasn't there.  The other person just stood there with an amused purse of his lips.  This part was always a little entertaining for him.  It was the part before they realized who he was.  They knew what was going to happen but who.....that was when they felt true fear.

The owner, realizing he was weaponless, now backed up against the wall, hands held up.

"I don't know what you want but please...please...don't hurt me.  Whatever it is you want I can get it."  His face grew white as the man standing in front of him chuckled slightly.

"Well, I want your life so....I suppose that's a true statement."  He took a step forward and the man blanched.

"No, please.  I'm sure there's something I can get you.  Please, anything."  He liked to hear them beg.  The man still hadn't recognized him.  "Do you....do you want information?  I'm pretty...."  He dry swallowed.  "...pretty high up.  I can tell you things..."  The man in front of him muttered something that sounded akin to "god's sake".

"I don't want information.  There isn't anything you can tell me that I can't get myself.  I'm smarter than I look."  He tapped his head then tilted it to the side.  "Besides, there's no point in lying to me.  I know what you are."  He took a step forward and another, then climbed onto the bed and shifted his full weight onto it.  The owner was pressing himself back into the wall, willing it to swallow him whole and let him escape.  "You."  Inch closer.  "Are."  Inch closer.  "A."  Inch closer.  "Low."  Inch closer.  "Level."  Inch closer.  "Thug."  Inch closer.  He was practically on top of the owner now.  "And now a liar."  The owner took a swing at his face suddenly and the man yawned and lazily blocked it before sending a hard punch into the owner's face.  The owner yelped and gripped him nose, whimpering.  "Do you know who I am?"  More whimpering.  A sigh.  "Don't make me repeat myself."  He grabbed his face and moved it up to be on level with his.  "Do you know who I am?"  The terrified owner blubbered and shook his head.  "Well....that's disappointing.  You really must not have any connections at all."  He let the man go and scooted back a little.  "Agust D."  The owner may not have known the face but he knew the name.  If it was possible to feel even more fear, to ascend to a higher plane of terror, he did.

"No....no, please!  Please, I'll do anything!  Have mercy!"  Yoongi sighed and pulled out his knife, glimmering beautifully in the faint streetlight.

"Sorry, but....I can't have you running around hurting Taehyung's girls.  You're lucky I'm doing it and not him."  Yoongi grimaced.  "He'd make a mess of you."

"But...but...I thought they wanted it!"  Yoongi's eyes grew cold and he grabbed the owner's face again.

"Let me tell you something, punk."  He hissed.  "If a woman wants it, she tells you.  If she's asking you to stop, especially if she's one of our girls, that means she doesn't want it.  You just didn't care because you're a selfish pervert."  The owner knew this was it.  So he threw out the first thing that came to mind.

"You're no better.  Fucking murderer."  Yoongi drew his other arm back and slashed across the man's gut and then the artery along his thigh, his hand continuing to hold onto the man's face as he watched the life slowly drain out of him. Afterwards he pulled out his phone to take a picture and send it to Taehyung.  Then he stomped over to the window.  He knew they shouldn't but the words bothered him.  Why were the words of a petty, low-level criminal bothering him?  As he climbed out of the window he was so focused on sorting that out that his senses weren't fully attune and he didn't see the shadow waiting for him as he mounted the roof.

But he did feel the foot that slammed into his back, propelling him forward and onto the ground.

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