Him Again

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The man in front of Y/N was briskly chatting away as he showed her to her desk and described her duties.
"Mr. Kim is not currently in at the moment but I'm sure he'll go over the finer details of his job when he gets back."
"And when will that be?" The man shrugged.
"No one knows. Could be the next minute, could be tomorrow. Honestly, expect to suddenly have to stay late sometimes. He'll usually give you a head's up but...." The man shrugged. "Sometimes surprises happen to him too. That's why his last secretary quit. Couldn't balance the family life...."
"Okay, Han Joon-ssi. That's enough." Both Y/N and Han Joon turned to see Yoongi standing there, seemingly bored but in reality very much alert and awake. Y/N felt her heart drop. She'd known to expect this but having him actually in front of her....her anxiety sky-rocketed to a whole new level. "I'll take her from here." He wasn't just referring to Han Joon's gossip.
"Yes, sir." Han Joon scurried away in an instant, leaving Y/N alone with Yoongi, who just eyed her for several seconds. Then he walked forward, hands in suit pockets, observing her every reaction. She was tense but kept eye contact with him, refusing to admit weakness and lower her gaze. He stopped several inches away, too close for comfort he knew, then turned slightly, walking around her. He could see how tight her muscles were and how hard she was resisting turning to keep an eye on him. He walked slowly, openly looking her up and down, he knew she'd know what he was doing. But still, nothing. He was impressed. He'd seen people train for years in his line of work and still wilt under his gaze. He circled around to her front, took a step back to give her some space, and held his hand out.
"Min Yoongi, head of The Department of Infires. I can see why Jin-hyung likes you." He smiled slightly but she just continued to stare at him, not moving an inch. He sighed and stuck his hand back in his pocket.
"Look, I'm sorry for scaring you after your interview. I was just doing my job but I did misread your body language and for that I do truly apologize. I promise, you don't have to worry about me doing anything like that again. Unless you consent first." He couldn't help the little bit of flirtation that slipped out at the end. Sometimes he was a little too good at his job. She still didn't respond and he was starting to wonder if this really was one of Jin's more brilliant ideas. Jin had wanted the air cleared, he didn't want drama, but she hadn't moved an inch since Han Joon had left.
Yoongi didn't realize just how stressed this kind of situation made her. It had taken everything she had to not go out of it during this whole exchange.
"Infires?" Huh? Her voice was so low he almost didn't catch it. "Infires?" She asked again, more loudly. He smirked.
"Yes, Infires."
"What the heck is that?" His smirk got bigger.
"I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you." He swept his hand towards the door. "Jin-hyung wanted me to give you the official tour. Shall we?"
The building was massive. As CEO and leader, Y/N's workspace was placed nearest to Jin's, but all seven of the men had offices on that floor. Some, like Jungkook, spent more time elsewhere. But their offices were still up there.
A lot of Yoongi's tour consisted of "this is off limits, don't go here", leaving Y/N with a lot of questions. But she decided to not ask them. She was getting paid well, if they didn't want her to know stuff then she wouldn't care enough to snoop.
She was still wary of Yoongi but could tell he was making an attempt to be conciliatory and she did appreciate it.
"Right now, I guess just sort that massive pile of files the lazy ass has left on your desk. If he wants you to do something else he'll let you know when he gets back." Yoongi turned to head down to his department's floor but turned back again, his voice softer. "Hey, if you have any questions you can ask me. Okay?" Y/N nodded stiffly but gave him a small smile to show she appreciated that. Now that he was keeping his distance she was finding him not so bad. Of course, that could be a ploy. She was incredibly suspicious.
Yoongi walked up behind him and gently ran his palm over the back of his neck. Han Joon gulped.
"Uh, hi. Sir." Yoongi fixed him with a blank stare, one Han Joon knew all too well.
"So listen, Han Joon. Our CEO had to work extremely hard to find this secretary. We don't want to ruin that." He leaned closer, his lips near Han Joon's ear. "Do we?" Han Joon shook his head emphatically. Yoongi gently rubbed the man's neck, the softness of his touch belying the hint at the incredible damage he could do to this man. "So let's watch our words around Y/N. Okay?" Han Joon nodded.
"Yes, sir. Of course, sir." Yoongi smiled.
"That's what I wanted to hear."

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