Jungkook Comes to the Apartment

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"Did he say what happened?" Jungkook asked, gently feeling Yoongi's forehead. His friend and brother was completely out, having finally succumbed to his injuries. Y/N shook her head. She was tired. The adrenaline rush she'd felt when Yoongi first buzzed her apartment door had worn off after she'd argued with her siblings. All wanted to see Y/N's other boss, all had been told to go to the room and stay there. Yoongi was here so there wasn't anything she could do about Jungkook coming over but she'd be damned if he was going to find out anything more than necessary about her family.

"I'm pretty sure his lung hasn't been punctured.  He needs an x-ray to be sure though. But....he said no hospitals." Jungkook nodded at Y/N's words.

"We have a contact at one of the hospitals, we can discreetly get him in. No one will recognize him." Y/N didn't even blink at his words, it was obvious something was going on that she wasn't aware of. Jungkook looked closer at Yoongi's side, forgetting who he was with. "Yoongi-hyung's one of the best, it's concerning that he was beaten like this."

"It was one attacker." He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Really? What makes you say that?" Y/N pointed at Yoongi's ribcage.

"One kick. Only one. That means Mr. Min might have had a formidable opponent but was still able to get away. If there had been two, with the strength put behind this blow, he probably wouldn't be here." She pointed at his face. "His face hit something hard. He was probably caught off guard. Again, two people, he probably wouldn't be here."

"Don't underestimate him." Jungkook said testily. Y/N continued like she hadn't heard him.

"And finally the gunshot wound." She pointed to Yoongi's shoulder. "It's just a nick. He's sitting here, alive, after having been caught by surprise by someone at least his size or larger, who had a gun and an opportunity to use it. If there had been another person, like I said, he wouldn't be here. His knuckles are bruised despite the gloves which means that his attacker probably has some nice looking bruises as well. So they were relatively well-matched. If there had been a second person he either wouldn't be here or he would look a lot worse." Jungkook just stared at her as she finished, her eyes showing her mind wasn't actually in her apartment, it was somewhere else.

"How....on earth....do you know all that?"

"Just because I'm a secretary doesn't mean I'm not smart."

"I didn't mean it like that. It's just..." Jungkook's voice trailed off as he thought about Yoongi's strange behavior a couple weeks ago. Maybe it was time to rerun the background check. He rarely needed to, he was very thorough. But how on earth did their small, sweet-looking secretary know so much about things like this? "You should get some sleep." He said, changing the subject. Y/N looked at him like he'd grown a second head.

"Yes, a man I don't know that well, injured on my couch. I'm going to sleep well tonight."

"Two men."


"It's the middle of the night. Until my contact wakes up we can't move him and do you really think I'm going to just leave you and him unprotected here?" Jungkook picked up Yoongi's gun and cocked it for emphasis. Y/N took a step back, eyeing the weapon warily.

"Fucking hell, put the gun down, man!" A voice from the direction of the room.

"Cindi! Language!" Then a second later. "I told you to STAY IN THE ROOM WITH THE DOOR CLOSED!"

"Well excuse me for wanting to make sure that your psycho of a boss doesn't trigger you! Ya know, since I don't speak Korean and can't do anything IF YOU GO NUTS!"

"I'm fine! Room! Now!" Cindi crossed her arms as a very confused Jungkook looked back and forth between them. He gestured at her.

"Who's this?"

"No one." Y/N said firmly, her voice making it clear he was to ask no further questions.

"The person who's gonna beat your ass if my sister has a panic attack." Jungkook cocked an eyebrow. Sister? Yeah, he knew she had siblings. That had come up in the background check. But it had said they were living in Y/N's home country. While the wheels in his head turned Y/N walked over, grabbed Cindi by the arm, and shoved her back into the room before slamming the door.

"Fine. Stay. But you don't get to be here unsupervised." She grumped, laying down on the floor facing him. Jungkook sighed. He had a headache. This was all too much. Why wasn't Jin-hyung waking up so all this could be dealt with? He sat down on the floor in front of the couch, weapon now stowed away, thinking over the past few minutes.

Something was wrong. Something was off. And it wasn't just Yoongi-hyung laying beaten in their secretary's apartment.


Y/N got no sleep. She knew Cindi was right but most of her flashbacks came in the form of nightmares now. She really didn't want to wake up screaming in front of Jungkook. Awkward to explain. Embarrassing enough to handle without the many questions he would have.

A third person knew where she lived. A third person had been in her house. This was the man Jungkook called to take Yoongi to the hospital.

"Just stay home today, Y/N. I'll explain it to Jin." She was too tired to do anything but nod.

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