Apartment Visit

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- Sorry, guys! I totes forgot to update so you get a double update today instead! And don't forget! The cover and blurb for my new (Jungkook) story release tomorrow! -

Y/N jumped when the buzzer sounded in their apartment. She frowned. It was 10 o'clock at night. Who on earth was buzzing them? She thought about it and then decided it was probably just the drunk friend of a neighbor. She sighed, slowly got up out of her chair, and hit the microphone.

"Who is it?" Her annoyance was clearly evident and then her disgust when she heard heavy breathing. But then her face went white.


"Who...who....are you...." Drake looked up. He'd been tuning her out but the distress he heard in her voice drew his attention back to the buzzer. There was no response from the other side. Y/N hesitated and bit her lip, then made her decision. She had to see what was going on out there. It wasn't like she hadn't dealt with shit before. She threw on a robe to cover her PJ shorts and tank and left the apartment, reading to hit the call button for 119 if someone was intending to hurt her.

When she first approached the door at the bottom of the stairs she saw nothing, but as she got closer she saw a foot sticking out into her line of sight. What the hell....? She checked around the stairs and looked out the glass into the dark street, checking for any weird shadows or movements. When she was reasonably confident that if anyone was hiding she'd be able to close the door in time she opened it, stepped out, and gasped.

Yoongi lay slumped against the wall of the building, feet splayed out, heavy breathing, his face covered in drying blood, dressed from neck to toe in black.

"Mr. Min?!" She called out, squatting down to take a closer look at his injuries. She hesitantly poked his cheek, a million questions swirling through her head. Why was one of her bosses outside her apartment building? And what the hell was he doing covered in blood? She needed to call the police.

She didn't realize she'd actually said that out loud until a hand gripped her wrist tightly and she looked up from her phone into Yoongi's dark eyes.

"N-No. No..." He winced. "No, police...." He gasped out.

"But Mr. Min you're...."

"C-Can't stay out here." He winced again. Talking was hurting him. She just looked at him, debating. It might....I mean it would kind of look bad if the police showed up. To them. In her experience the police didn't assume the best of you. Her boss, looking like he was some ninja assassin? Might be a little awkward. She looked up at the window of her apartment and sighed. But.....she didn't want them knowing about her family...she didn't want them knowing anything about her....

But could she really just leave her injured boss in the street to rot until someone else came along? She sighed again and made her decision.

"Let me get you up." She said quietly, gently sliding her arm underneath his waist and hauling him to his feet. He hissed and his full weight was on her as she staggered under it. But he was up. She was strong for her size and, through the colors and spots he was seeing, Yoongi made a mental note of it. He wasn't really sure why he cared at the moment but if he survived this, which he was now pretty sure he would, it deserved further rumination. He'd been watching and was certain he hadn't been pursued.

Y/N was gone long enough that Drake came downstairs to check to see what was going on and ended up meeting her halfway. Normally she would've scolded him but she was too out of breath to get a word out. It was basically her lifting Yoongi step by step and him weakly shuffling his feet. She had to hand it to her brother, he kept his head and didn't freak out, just took Yoongi's other arm and helped finish dragging him to the apartment.

The ruckus of them stumbling in and plopping Yoongi onto the couch, with Y/N ordering Drake to get the first aid kit, woke both Cindi and Tab up.

"What the fuck?!"

"Language, Cindi!" Y/N snapped as she began gently cleaning Yoongi's face.

"Who the hell is that?" Tab followed up.

"One of my bosses." Cindi raised an eyebrow.

"Well, hot damn." Y/N shot her a glare.
"Are you gonna stand there and gawk or are you going to make yourself useful?" Cindi bit her lip.

"Are you okay with all the blood?" She didn't know everything in her older sister's past but she knew enough to know Y/N might have fallout later. Yoongi felt useless as he listened to the bickering, just concentrating on breathing slowly to minimize the pain in his side.

".....Yoongi?" Hearing Y/N say his actual name snapped him back to reality. He hadn't realized it but she'd been calling him for a little bit, resorting to his given name as a last resort.

"Yeah?" His eyes barely opened.

"Do you have any other injuries?" He weakly gestured to his side.

"C-Call, Jin." He gasped out.

"I need to take care of you first."

"Jin needs to..."

"Do not argue with me!" The steel in her voice made everyone, including him, pause in shock before her siblings bent their heads down and scurried around continuing to help her.

"Damn, man. You trying to piss her off?" He heard one of them...Tab...? Tab muttered. Y/N managed to pull Yoongi's shirt up and gasped when she saw the bruising on his side. He yelped when she felt it.

"Yoongi....Mr. Min...you've got a broken rib. You need to go to the hospital."

"I can't."

"But..." He shocked her by reaching up and weakly gripping her chin.

"Y/N I just showed up at your door covered in blood and I know you noticed the gun I have hidden in my cargo pants. Just call Jin please. He'll take care of it." Y/N said a few words in instruction to Cindi and stood up, dialing Jin's number. It rang and rang and he didn't pick up.

"Mr. Kim's not answering."

"Try Namjoon....anyone...just get one of them here." Yoongi said weakly, feeling the last of his strength leaving him and himself slipping towards unconsciousness. Namjoon didn't pick up. Jimin didn't pick up. Taehyung didn't pick up. Hoseok didn't pick up. She was at a loss as to what to do as Jungkook's phone hit the last ring before his voicemail when....

"Hi, Y/N. It's kind late."

"Mr. Jeon!" She was so relieved she just blurted his name out and then fell silent, wondering how to explain this to him.

"I already said don't call me that. It makes me feel as old as Jin-hyung." His tone was teasing.

"Mr. Min....Yoongi...he's at my house and he's injured and Mr. Kim won't pick up his phone and Mr....Yoongi doesn't want to go to the hospital..."

"What?! Hang on, I'll be right over."

"Don't you need my add...."

"I ran your background check, I already know it." With that he hung up.

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