Love Is Poison

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Yoongi quickly scanned the living room before rushing in, gun ready, only to see his boss leaning on the end table where they kept the decanter of his favorite liquor, clutching his heart with a look of horror on his face.

"Jin, what's wrong?!" He quickly surveyed him. "Poison?!" Jin nodded, still looking unbelievably horrified. Yoongi reached for his phone to call their doctor but Jin stumbled forward and grabbed his hand, shaking his head furiously.

"You saw before I did..." Yoongi frowned. Jin wasn't making any sense.

"I haven't seen anything but if you're poisoned we need to get you taken care of first."

"I don't think there's an antidote for this." Jin said shakily, still holding on. Yoongi began mentally running through a list of poisons with no known antidote. "'d you see it before I'd you know..."

"I told you." Yoongi said in panicked frustration. "I didn't see anything..."

"You knew it's why I've been treating her different." Jin said quietly and Yoongi froze, looked him over once again, and then gave Jin the biggest frown in his life. Ever. He shoved him back and Jin stumbled, still holding his heart but staying upright.

"Are you saying you just fucking scared the shit out of me because you've been..." He couldn't believe Jin. "...poisoned by love?!" Well, when he put it that way Jin realized how silly he probably looked. "Are you fucking serious, Jin-hyung. You almost gave me a heart attack, I thought someone got through our defenses."

"Sorry, sorry." Jin finally sat down on the couch. Yoongi took a few deep breathes to calm himself.

"Took you long enough to realize." He murmured quietly.

"I can't believe this." Jin groaned.

"Well believe it and decide what you're going to do quickly. We can't afford to have inaction, that's why we're in this situation now." Jin knew his brother was right but he was still processing his new self-discovery.

" on earth..." Yoongi sighed and finally sat down next to Jin, continuing to take deep breathes so he didn't throttle the man.

"She's beautiful...she's smart...she doesn't let herself get walked over...and she has trauma so I suppose that's a bit of a damsel in distress thing. Maybe a challenge. I don't know." Jin groaned.

"We can't....I can't..."

"You can't keep her but she can't leave either. She'll always be tied to us and....if someone got ahold of her....this just makes us more vulnerable."

"Goddamnit." Jin swore. Everything wasn't complicated enough. He just had to go and do this to himself.

It wasn't really love, was it? This was just how his bored mind was taking out his frustration with never being able to have a family of his own. Y/N was just in the right place at the right time and she had kids...sort of...that's why.

No, he was a fool. He wanted her. He didn't want them to leave.

"What do I do." He whispered, feeling lost for the first time in years.

"I don't know." Yoongi said just as quietly. "You always said the good ones don't stay." Jin nodded, feeling numbness descend on him.

"She's a good one."


Y/N had been annoyed by Jin's childishness with her siblings. It continued, the difference was Jin usually pretended she wasn't around. Everyone settled into a bit of mock domesticity as Yoongi and Y/N healed. There was an unusual silence from the other mafia groups. Jin and Namjoon held a meeting and, while obviously each group had its own interests, for the most part the other gangs prospered because of Bangtan's efforts so none of them wanted to destabilize that. Nothing was heard from Kristy and whoever had hired Anthony was keeping a low profile. Jimin was sure he hadn't acted on his own but couldn't figure things out. So he watched. And waited.

Right now he was eyeing the champagne glass in his hand, but his ears were sharp and listening for anything that could be useful. He was a master at disguising himself and even though many of the people at this party interacted with him on a semi-weekly basis, none of them recognized him.

It disturbed him that things were so quiet. That meant time to plan something big, something they may not be able to protect themselves from.

He downed his glass and decided a trip to the bathroom was in order. He'd stay a half hour longer and if he saw nothing that gave him a lead he'd disappear and use his valuable time elsewhere.

It was with this thought in mind that he saw but didn't really register the figure walking towards him until the person shouldered him walking by. Jimin opened his mouth to make a comment but to his surprise the person was fast and....gone. Weird. As he turned his head back towards the bathroom he realized there was a piece of paper in his hand. He frowned. That hadn't been there earlier....he quickly glanced around to make sure no one was watching and uncrumpled the yellow paper.

Grip your seats, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. For you. Jimin's blood froze but then he smiled slightly. Here it was. He couldn't defend against silence but someone starting to play their hand....? He always played the game and he always won.

Come at us. We're waiting for you.


Jungkook was, sort of, playing babysitter. The kids knew what was going on but it was his job to keep them in their rooms while Y/N and the rest of Bangtan met. Y/N was curled up against Yoongi, wrapped in a bathrobe. She'd been sleeping when Jimin had come barging in, telling them things were finally moving. Both she and Yoongi had gotten amazingly close in the past several days. She was enjoying the unfamiliar feeling of being able to kind of trust a guy. But she was confused and upset because she knew it couldn't last.

The men all looked excited but she was tired and confused. They still didn't know who this person was. They were just sure it wasn't Kristy. Or at least Kristy by herself. They still didn't appear to have a plan. So why was everyone acting like this was good news?

"Um....excuse me..." They couldn't hear her over their loud, excited voices. Y/N clapped her hands and they suddenly all turned to look at her. She took a deep breath, amazed at how her time with them had made her so comfortable around them. She was literally leaning against an assassin. "Someone threatened your gang and this excites you?"

"It means they'll start moving. We can detect movement. We can figure them out and stop them." Hoseok explained politely.

"Oh." Y/N smiled a little. This meant they might be able to leave soon. Jin saw the smile and felt his heart grow sick. He didn't like being threatened but the longer they were the longer he could keep her around.

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