The Assault

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He didn't get a chance to dwell on the events of the night before, he was being woken up at dawn by a tense looking Jimin.

"Jimin, wha...."

"They're making a move. I know who they are, I found their main operations, we need to take them out now." Jin nodded and groggily sat up.

"Tell everyone to gear up, except Jungkook. I need him to manage operations from here." Jimin nodded grimly and quickly left the room while Jin blinked and woke himself up. Finally, finally he could come out. Finally he didn't have to hide anymore.


They had never heard of this man. After looking over the information Jimin had obtained, Namjoon concluded that the reason he'd been undetectable was because his gang operated in other gangs. The whole lot of them were double-agents, pulling out now that they could make a power play. A few of the less powerful gangs rang for help, for Bangtan to do something. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

"How do we know he didn't compromise us?" Yoongi asked, suiting up despite the tenderness still in his side. He was healed enough, they needed him.

"It seems some of our lower-level operatives disappeared. But almost everyone else has been with us since the beginning." Yoongi nodded curtly at Jimin's words. He hoisted his weapon.

"K, let's take this bastard out." He was certain that wherever this person was, there he would find the person who had become a living nightmare to him.


"What's going on?" Jungkook looked up from the desk to see Y/N in the doorway.

"We found out who's been after us. We're taking them out."

"Do they know about us? The safe house?" She asked, gesturing vaguely. He shook his head.

"Pretty sure, no. Only a couple of us come and go and we have thorough security measures to make sure we're not followed." Y/N bit her lip. She knew that any activity when you were laying low could still draw attention. But Jungkook was the expert...

"Can you keep your siblings occupied so I can focus on coordination?" She nodded and left, allowing Jungkook to direct his attention fully to the screens in front of him. He frowned when he saw a small blip on their perimeter but it wasn't repeated. Probably a glitch but he radioed one of the men still at the house to check it out and turned his attention back to his brothers.


They were confident. Too confident. They weren't even trying to hide. Jin felt something was wrong. He wasn't sure what. Bangtan had security measure upon security measure and his people were the best. No one had ever succeeded in pulling the wool over their eyes. Or at least not yet.

It was like they were begging him to come to them. And with all he knew about human nature, this left him concerned.

Hoseok was the closest to him, the rest were spread out.

"Hoseok." His dongsaeng turned, completely focused. "I just received a call about one of our drug shipments. The buyer is throwing a fit, saying it's been tainted. I need you to break off and look into it." Hoseok looked at him like he was crazy.

"Right now...?"


"Jin, we're about to go on a raid!"

"We can handle it. We'll get them, I don't want our operations stalling while we're kicking ass." Hoseok thought about arguing. He really wanted to be Yoongi's backup. But....

Jin did have a point.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. The buyer had better pray something really is wrong." He grumbled, ripping his ear piece out and stomping back the way they came. His phone was already out, texting some of his sellers to figure out which buyer was the problem.

Jin refocused. If he was wrong then no harm, no foul. Hoseok would come back and torture Kristy as much as he pleased. Hoseok was the only one he could sound legitimate to, to get him out of the raid. The only one who he could give a valid sounding reason to.

"Move out." It was time.


They were sitting, watching a movie, Y/N doing her best to remain calm and not show how anxious the thought of what was going on made her. She went to the office once and Jungkook gave her a smile and a thumbs up.

The movie was halfway through when he came out to the living room and gave her another smile. "Smooth sailing." He walked by her and muttered so the kids wouldn't overhear. She breathed a sigh of relief. She wanted this over. She wanted to be free. She wanted to be far away from Jin.

Jungkook walked by the large window in the living room. He just wanted a glass of water. He still had his earpiece in, so he could monitor while he stepped away for a second.

So he heard Taehyung's pain-filled scream over the radio and Jin's sudden, frantic instructions. He turned on his heel, already stepping back towards the office. Could he never step away for even a moment....Namjoon was yelling something that he couldn't make out over a sudden loud crack and the sound of shattering glass next to him.

He felt a thump in his abdomen and he heard Drake scream. Shit. He dropped, his gun already in his hand as he crawled towards the four who were now on the floor, Y/N covering their bodies with hers. He heard the sound of the door smashing behind him.

Crack, thump. Crack, thump. Jungkook felt pain explode across his lower back and he hissed, trying to roll over and take out whoever was behind him. But all he got was a boot to the face and....he was out.

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