Hit Her Hard

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"Fucking hell."  Taehyung had been the last of them all to join and he had been going through his own issues at the time.  But even he knew who they were talking about.

"Kristy."  The all shuddered at the mention of the name.

"Well....it was bound to happen eventually."  Namjoon said quietly.  They all knew that, but still.

"Is Y/N even alive?"  Jimin asked.  Yoongi shrugged.  He had withdrawn emotionally.  It shouldn't affect him.  He'd mercilessly killed many people and not once had a nightmare.  But the thought that Y/N might suffer because he'd been distracted that night and caught off guard was haunting him.  He felt Taehyung's fingers slip through his and give him a slight, reassuring squeeze.  He thought back to what had distracted him that night, the accusation that he was a murderer.  He didn't think of himself as that.  He only killed people who deserved it.  They always deserved it.  But now....now someone innocent's blood could be on his hands.  If he'd just kept it in his pants all those years ago...

Jin had his head in his hands.  This was too much.  All too much.  His stomach felt sick when he thought of Y/N in the hands of that crazy woman.  His head hurt, he'd been up too long.  His body felt numb from the exhaustion he'd been put through earlier.  Had that really just been a couple hours ago?  Namjoon watched him quietly and said nothing, just put his hand on his shoulder.

"What are we going to do?"  Taehyung, trying to put his hyungs all back on track.  They needed to focus.  They couldn't let their emotions control them.  This would make or break their empire and alliances.  Namjoon squeezed his hyung's shoulder and then spoke, putting his strategy-forming mind to work.

"We know where Kristy is right?  What she's dealing with, who she's smoozing up to, who her current Agust D substitution is?"  Jimin and Jungkook nodded.  Namjoon's voice grew hard.

"We all know her.  Y/N probably isn't alive.  So let's hit her.  Hit her hard.  Eliminate her.  Even if it takes everything we have, let's bring her down and rid Seoul of her pestilence.  We can clean up the loose ends and her offended allies later."  His words touched them in their souls, all right where they needed it.  This is why Namjoon did the majority of the planning.  He could see the big and small pictures.  And he knew how to send a message.  "Jungkook, do you know her main hang out area?  Is it a residence?"  Jungkook nodded.  "K, Hoseok.  Jimin.  Lead a team.  Destroy it.  Jin-hyung?"  Jin looked up, the bags under his eyes seemingly have gotten worse.  "I know you hate this but you need to lay low until we can confirm you're safe.  Yoongi-hyung, you're in no shape to fight unless absolutely necessary.  Tae, take them to the safe house.  Jungkook, I'll need you to coordinate from here."  Namjoon's lips drew into a firm line.  "I'll help with her warehouse and revenue supplies.  Everyone clear?"  Nods all around.  "Let's move and show this bitch who runs Seoul."


Her arm and head throbbed and she was sure her jaw was bruised.  She probably looked worse than Yoongi right now.  Y/N winced at the thought of him.  Despite herself, she couldn't help but feel a bit of anger towards him.  If he'd just been living a decent life and minding his own business she'd never have been in this situation in the first place.  All of them.

And towards herself?  She'd let the money tempt her.  She hadn't wanted to work two jobs.  She'd justified it with 'I need to take care of my siblings' but now her siblings were out on the street, alone.  She'd managed to bump her phone out of her pocket when she realized she probably wouldn't win that fight.  She hoped they could find a safe place without her.  Would the gang even care that she had dependents?  Yoongi had just hung up, leaving her at the hands of this psycho woman. 

The entire time she'd tortured Y/N she'd gone on and on about how Yoongi was hers and he shouldn't even look at another woman and Y/N was just in the way.  Y/N had tried to tell her it wasn't like that, she hadn't wanted him at her apartment either, but the woman just put pressure on her broken arm.

She'd made a mistake.  And for the first time in her life, Y/N gave up.  The world was against her.  Maybe it was better for her siblings if she was out of their lives.  She was tired of this pain.  She was tired of the hurt.  Her life had ended that day, so long ago, when a gunshot went off and innocent blood went everywhere.  She should've died that day.  Because every day afterwards had been the world telling her she shouldn't exist anymore.  If you needed to adjust life so much to continue living then there was no point.  Every time she got ahead she was sent reeling backwards.

Her only regret was that her siblings had to suffer from her poor decisions.  That was the only thing that sent a tear running down her cheek.  Everything else she was numb to.


Jungkook remembered what it was like to be a teenager.  He'd been one not so long ago himself.  So he found himself uniquely competent to hold each sobbing child.  Cindi had demanded to know where Y/N was and what was going on.  Was she okay?  Jungkook didn't know.  He didn't hide the truth, he'd hated it when people had done that to him.  But he would do everything possible to get their sister back.  But for now they needed to leave, okay?  They needed to go with three of Y/N's bosses to a safe place. 

Cindi had taken one look at Yoongi and refused, accusing him of being the reason her sister was now missing.  She didn't know how right she was.  Yoongi had let her scream at him and smack him.  Honestly, he felt like doing it to himself.  Y/N was innocent.  She was just doing the best she could.  She hadn't deserved any of this.

"I know you're mad, Cindi, but I also know if Y/N was here, protecting you would be her first priority.  So let us do what she can't right now, okay?"  Jungkook had spoken calmly, finally managing to calm the hysterical girl down.  Jin was still reeling slightly from the fact that Y/N had a family.  Yoongi and Jungkook had both looked slightly guilty when the kids walked in.  Since Y/N was so sensitive about it they hadn't felt the need to bring it up.  Jin had pursed his lips disapprovingly and they both knew they'd get it later.  But for now he put on a more chipper face, which was not at all what he felt, and motioned the kids to follow him.

"Let's get out of here, kiddos.  You're gonna like where we're going."  They'd all looked at him suspiciously but followed.

And that was how Jin found himself in the backseat of a black SUV with Drake and Tab sleeping on his shoulders and Cindi rolling her eyes at his horrible attempts at puns.  Yoongi looked like he wished Anthony had finished him off all those weeks ago and Taehyung sat quietly in the driver's seat, his foot pressing more on the gas pedal.  A few jokes?  Sure.  Jokes for an hour?  It was a wonder he was still their leader.

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