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Hi, everyone! I just wanted to say I appreciate all the reads on this book, but unfortunately this is the last chapter! If you want more, I will be starting a new book tomorrow. It's a reader x jhope and I'm really excited about it. I've been struggling with writer's block for several months and had an idea and finished it in less than a week. Whew! The first three chapters will be uploaded tomorrow. I try to do something different with each book so I don't fall into a rut so.... it's different lol. Anyway, enjoy!

- Six Months Later-

Jin bounced his knee nervously, checking and rechecking his phone. Where was she? Yes....he was 30 minutes early but....god, he just wanted to see her.

Y/N had stayed long enough to hear that Jungkook would make it, although his healing would be a long process. Jimin's mouth needed to heal and he couldn't talk for awhile but there was no permanent damage. At least physically. He had kept his tongue.

Yoongi had tried to convince her to stay but she was done. She wanted out. Now. So it was with that that he drove her to the airport, gave her a hug, and sent her on her way.

Now they were all healed. They had had to move quickly to reestablish control in Seoul and all had been working as hard as their injuries allowed. But they had done it. And they had sent a message, stay out of Asia. We don't want you here. Jimin and Jungkook were working on a collaboration with other gangs that would ensure any foreign activity would be detected and they could act instantly.

And now that just left one loose end to tie up. Jin had been nervous. He'd been thinking about her for six months. Wondering how she was doing. Constantly bugging Yoongi to see how she was. He was sure Yoongi was about to strangle him, boss or no boss.

When he raised his eyes and saw her it was like his whole world stopped and he abruptly got to his feet, startling her as she approached. She was wearing jeans and a loose, white top. Perfect for this heat. He cleared his throat and smiled, giving an awkward wave.

"Hi." Smooth, Jin. Real smooth. Her face broke into a smile and she gave him a small wave back.

"Hi." She reached for her chair but before she could touch it he was on the other side of her, pulling it out. She gave him an "are you serious" look before just going with it and sitting down. It was a small waterhole restaurant and they were both dressed casually.

"How are the kids?" She smiled.

"Well, they weren't thrilled about having to switch to Vietnamese lessons. But I think they're okay. Kids are resilient." Her smile faded a little as she glanced down at the menu. "They miss you guys. Jungkook's been nice enough to chat with Drake and do some online gaming with him but..." She sighed. "It's not the same."

"How's Cindi?" Y/N snorted.

"She told me she missed your cooking." Jin's eyebrows shot up.

"Really? Cuz all she did was whine about it when you guys were with us." Y/N shrugged.

"She's a teenager, what do you expect? Slaves to their emotions." They ordered and then Y/N fixed Jin with a look and asked, "So why are you here, Jin?" He took a deep breath. He wanted to put this off. But he also didn't want to.

"I want you to come back." She frowned.

"I'm not interested in being a pretty secretary who has to pretend she doesn't know what's going on..."

"Not like that." Y/N stopped and Jin took another deep breath.

"I want you back. With us. With us. And..." Here goes. "I....I don't want to come off as pushy....but....I was hoping you'd reconsider a relationship with me. Or at least give it some thought." Y/N looked away.

"When you say "with" you mean..."

"In the gang."

"I thought you didn't involve women." Jin smiled slightly.

"Well, I didn't. But there was the fiery, young lady who put me in my place about six months ago. We opened our ranks and recovered more quickly than expected." Y/N looked at him, surprised. That had upsetting fight. She'd never expected him to take her words seriously.

"Y/N..." His voice trailed off. "It's dangerous for you to be out here with no protection. Like it or not that's the way it is. don't have to date me. You can just work for me. But I would be thrilled if you accepted me. We'll go at your pace...I just...I find you to be a very attractive woman both physically and you are. I know you haven't had good experiences but I hope, despite our flaws, we showed you that things can be different. I'd like to prove to you that things can be different. I don't want you to let fear rule you for the rest of your life. I don't want the past to do that to you." Y/N bit her lip, still not looking at him.

The truth was, she missed them. All of them. And Jin....he'd wanted her. He'd straight up told her. And she'd said no. And that had been the end of it until now. And he'd still watched out for her, he'd still had her back.

And now he'd changed his whole way of managing his organization because of something she yelled at him in anger.

She'd thought a lot about his confession. She knew that a small part of her wished and hoped that there would be someone out there who could accept her the way she was, with all her fragility. Jin had seen her at her worst and it didn't bother him.

If there was anyone out there, anyone in the world, who fit her criteria it was him. They could take it slow, right?

"Okay." Her voice was so low Jin had to lean forward.


"Okay." She said a little louder. Okay....she was working for him? That was good. Before he could open his mouth she hesitantly reached out and placed her hand on his, then looked up into his eyes. "Okay." That ache in his heart Jin had been feeling all these was like a soothing balm had suddenly washed over him.

She....had accepted him.

She was coming back with him.

It was all he'd ever hoped for.

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