God of Destruction

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In a way, Namjoon was Jin's secret weapon. The man was deceptively polished and slightly clumsy at times, constantly misjudging spaces while the gears in his mind turned, his thoughts somewhere else. More than once, Jin had caught him after Namjoon banged his shin on Jin's desk. To the unknowing eye Namjoon appeared a simple, content businessman. His bright smile and adorable dimples, helped him get his way in the board room with their above-board clients. He was the face of non-shadiness in the company and he played his role well.

But there was another side to Namjoon, one that it took a lot to bring out but once out no one, not even Yoongi, wanted to be in the way. This was the side that, when pushed too far, focused exclusively on one target and put them in their place. This was the side that would stop at nothing, even if Seoul burned to the ground, to prove a point.

And that was the side that Kristy had brought out right now. She had allies. Allies that would be pissed by her demise. Afterwards, if Namjoon didn't use all his negotiating skills they might end up in a few skirmishes that would threaten their peace.

But it was too risky to leave someone like her out in the wild. The other gangs were predictable. In the end they wanted to survive. Kristy shared one trait with Namjoon, she would destroy the city to get what she wanted. There was no knowing what might send her off into the depths of her insanity. They had been content with corralling her, keeping her away, but this could no longer be tolerated.

The man walking slowly towards the warehouse had his mouth set in a grim line, all his focus on destruction. He was no longer clumsy, every thought was bent on one goal. Nothing else ran through his mind to distract him. In Namjoon's mind she had challenged the sovereignty of Bangtan and that was unacceptable.

He nodded to his men. Another thing about Namjoon. Once he joined a job, he was actually in the job. He didn't stand back and send men in to die, he was right in there with them.

Kristy had probably predicted they'd be mad. There were more guards than were normally observed at her warehouse and docks. It didn't matter.

Namjoon shot the first one right between the eyes from behind cover and walked up to the warehouse door, shooting every bit of movement he saw. Someone got behind him, his men hesitant to shoot because they didn't want to hit their boss. He turned, elbow out, colliding with the man's hand and knocking the gun away before grabbing his arm to hold his target still and delivering three sharp, furious kicks into the man's abdomen. The man threw a punch but Namjoon just punched him back and twisted his arm, sending a loud crack through the air. The man screamed as Namjoon positioned himself behind him.

"This is for messing with my people." One sharp twist and the man lay on the ground, his neck at an odd angle. Namjoon looked around as his men began setting up the explosive charges and tapped his earpiece.

"Warehouse is eliminated."

All of Gyeonggi-do heard the 'boom'.


When they said 'residence' what they had actually meant was...Kristy lived in a huge mansion in one of the richest parts of Seoul. This was a common mafia tactic. Surround yourself with innocent people so it's harder to hit you. Someone goes after you, the wrong person dies, your enemy might be in jail or endure closer scrutiny. And if you were lucky, the innocent person might be distantly related to someone in another gang and suddenly your fight was being fought for you.

This was why Jimin was frowning as he and Hoseok sized up her place of living.

"I'm betting she has Y/N in the torture chamber downstairs." Jimin said, quickly scrolling through what layout they had for the house. He didn't know if it was 100% accurate but it would have to do.

"You said that so casually, it was actually kind of disturbing." Hoseok muttered, eyeing his gun. Jimin shrugged.

"What else do you want me to call it? The Red Room of Pain? Dark Invitation to Die Drowning in Your Own Blood?" Hoseok said nothing, his normal chatterbox self gone. Like Namjoon, he always appeared to be one person. Until you crossed his line. Then he became extremely focused and dangerous. The scariest thing about him was how quietly he moved. He was like a snake, ironic considering how much he hated snakes. You didn't hear him coming and you barely registered the pain before you were gone. In a way, the world was lucky Bangtan only had two official hitmen.

"I want Kristy." Hoseok said simply. Jimin had expected that. He would want to take out the person that was a threat to his closest friend first.

"I'll clear out the rest of the place. Just make sure you kill her." A slight smile touched Hoseok's face, which would make anyone watching shudder.



As expected, the house was heavily guarded. Jungkook radioed that Namjoon was currently hitting Kristy's warehouse so the men focused on gaining entry and then clearing each level. Jimin went up, shooting anything that moved, checking each door to see if the person they sought happened to have been stored there. He knew the odds were that Y/N was dead but he couldn't stop the little bit of hope coursing through his veins...

Hoseok went down, mercilessly slaughtering anyone in his path. He was done with Kristy's bullshit. They'd tolerated her for too long.


Y/N was breathing hard, her arm sending sharp pains each time she took a breath. Kristy hadn't gone easy on her, the numerous cuts and bruises covering her body bore witness to that. Y/N had stopped responding to Kristy's demanding questions a long time ago. She hadn't slept with Yoongi. She wasn't interested in him like that. But no matter what she said Kristy didn't care. So Y/N just stopped talking. And eventually stopped crying, just staring blankly into space. Kristy had taken a break. She hadn't expected her victim to stop fighting back. She hadn't expected her to go quiet. Nothing seemed to work to get her to scream and beg and fight back, which was something Kristy liked to see. She was pondering how to get a rise out of the woman again before killing her, when she heard gunfire erupt at the entrance to her house.

Bangtan was here. She had expected something like that. What she hadn't expected was for them to ruthlessly destroy her whole operation. She had grown used to their tolerance, taking advantage of it, and now they were done. She had forgotten who she was messing with.

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