The Man

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But he did feel the foot that hit his back, propelling him forward and onto the ground.

"What the..."  His head was pulled back and then slammed into the hard concrete as he struggled to get his knees under himself to get up.  He was seeing spots but this was nothing new.  He'd had a couple encounters like this back when he first started.  His hand shot out with a knife and clanged against the knee sitting on his back.  Damn it, armor.  But he could do this.  He yelled and heaved, managing to half turn and knock the person on him off balance.

He was up in a flash, foot kicking out and sending his attacker flying back.  But it felt like kicking a brick wall.  Before he could get his gun out it was his turn to fly back and hit the back of his head against the door leading up to the rooftop.  Ouch.  He gritted his teeth and launched himself at his attacker, sending punches into his masked face.  He didn't know who this person was and that concerned him.  He knew every hitman in Seoul, hell in Korea.  This person fought like none of them and was built like an ox.

They fell down, grappling and punching.  The man's sheer size gave him an advantage over Yoongi as he lit into his jaw then suddenly stood up and gave him a good, solid kick to the ribs.  Yoongi was sure he heard something crack.  The man was pulling out a gun, aiming it at his head....

"Let's see how Seokjin takes losing his precious little gofer."  What?  Despite the pain and the haze he was fighting through, Yoongi's eyes widened.  Sure sometimes their rivals attempted an assassination, it was par for the course in their world.  But you never admitted it.  It was just known that you didn't do that.  Besides, they always went after Jin.  Leaders were always the targets.  Men like Yoongi were freer because they did the killing and you just...didn't cross them.  Fear was their true weapon.

The man was bigger than him, he knew he couldn't fight him off alone.  Yoongi reacted quickly, years of training kicking in, and sent his leg out, knocking the man off balance.  He heard a curse but he was on his feet, hand holding his side, as he sprinted towards the edge of the roof and jumped off, a gunshot ringing in his ear and a nick of pain on his shoulder.  Shit.

He hit the ground hard, the wind being knocked out of him, the pain in his side getting worse.  No, no, no, he didn't have time for this.  Every second he lay here he was a target.  His heart was racing and he was struggling not to panic, knowing he'd get his breath back eventually, as he half walked/half crawled away from the building.  He had to get out of here.  He needed help.  He needed shelter.  Where could he go?  Mentally he ran through a map of the area.  That person was out on a job, that person had been killed, that person was laying low....

There was only one person closest to him who could help.

But damn Jin would kill him if the man after him didn't first.

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