" finally "

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I made it to the hospital less than 30 minutes. I found a parking spot closest to the entrance and parked my car . As I was entering the hospital Marcell brother was leaving.

" Yasmine " he said w/ a head nod

" Deshawn " I said with a eye roll

He was literally someone I despised because me and him was the closest out of Marcell other brothers & he let me get lied to for almost 2 years. He was always in my face saying " aw sis you have nothing to worry about Marcell is yours and yours only " LIE! Fucking lie!

In the midst of me reminiscing about me and deshawn old friendship I had made it to room 204 .. walking into the room was the same as yesterday, Marcell was looking at the tv.

" Rena told me she bumped into you at the mall.. thought you was busy? " he asked

" I was .. but I need some answers to some things" I said while placing my purse by his bed and taking a seat across from him "okay like what? , ask away. "

" Who did this? & Why? "

" so iguess today is the day huh? "

" the day for what Marcell? "

" the day I finally tell you what is really going on. "

* Marcell pov *

She looked at me with worried eyes, but nodded her head for me to continue on. This was going to be hard for me to tell her because most likely it will crush her..

" I don't know how to tell you this .. " I muttered

" just tell me Marcell, haven't I been in the dark for long enough "

She has.. hearing those words cut me deep. Because half of this could of been avoided if I didn't want to follow my oldest brother King footsteps.

" you know King right? My brother I told you about.. well he was in the drug business "

" He was wh— " she said before I cut her off

" drug business yea. I know I lied like he died from cancer but to be honest he died because of a drive by. "

" I never told you this because I didn't want you to know about my family background. My dad was a king pin not a doctor . "

" why couldn't you tell me this? What else did you lie about? Huh? You're so fucking stupid Marcell I swear "

" I know .. but there's more just let me fucking finish. I am in this predicament because I was trying to protect you. Some people I got into it with was going to go for the only thing I LOVED. "

" Why you didn't tell me? Did you not trust me? Huh? Don't you think this was something I needed to know? "

" of course I fucking trusted you. I trusted you enough to be with you for damn near two years! I wanted to protect you! protect YOU! Not me but YOU! I didn't want to corrupt your mind by letting you in on this . "

" to protect me? I never fucking asked you to! I never asked you to do any thing but love me! You couldn't even do that! " she said as tears streamed down her face " ok . "

Because why argue with her? She was right, but I loved her with all of me . I was going to marry her and everything until all of this bullshit happened .

" ok? That's all? Wow .. I'm leaving " she said while she was getting up and grabbing her things. She came to grab her purse from the stand that was sitting by my bed, but I grabbed her arm.

" look at me " I said with a stern tone.

She tried to jerk her Hand away from me but my grip was tight." I said look at me " She looked at me with tears in her eyes . I hated seeing her cry and I hated being the reason behind her tears. She did not deserve it at all.

" there's more. So let me finish . "

I let go of her arm & she than went and sat back into her chair and fidgeted with her fingers while nodding for me to continue.

" The whole wife and baby thing was made up. Rena is my cousin on my father side, she is also into the drug business and the baby she was pregnant with  is obviously not mine. We made up the whole thing because if they thought she was my wife they were going to go for her. And she knows how to handle herself. "

She looked at me, and shook her head. Tears were just coming out second by second. I never seen her cry this hard. It was honestly the most saddest scene I ever witnessed knowing I hurt this girl mentally and emotionally made my heart break into a bunch of pieces because it was never my intentions.

" I know this hurts. I'm sure I just broke you even more. But shouldn't you be happy? Happy that this all was made up? "

" you know this hurt? How can you possibly say that! I been crying over you for months! Months Marcell! I had to learn to live without you! I had to learn how to sleep by myself again! I fucking questioned my worth every single night! I cried to Jade about you EVERYnight! All because you wanted to fucking leave me in the dark! You became verbally abusive towards me because you was in some shit! You made me lose the fucking baby that's right! WE HAD A BABY! A little boy to be exact! And I had to get over all that shit by MYSELF! So no you don't know this hurt! And no I am not happy! I am not happy that you couldn't fucking tell me what was going on! I get you tried to protect me, but in the process you fucking broke me. " she said as tears fell after every word.

She then left.

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