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After me and jade left American deli , we went home . Well at least that's where I thought we were going , but we ended up in a empty parking lot venting .

" I know I always make excuses for him , but it's hard not too. I try to make myself believe I deserve the things he put me through , but I know I don't .. it's only going to hurt me and the baby if I don't just let him go . " she said , " like it was all good when he first came back , I thought we were going to rekindle our relationship , get married and then have kids .. but all we did was spark a few old flames and then have a kid .. this is not the future I planned with him. "

I hugged her , and just let her cry .. she needed to let it all out , because if she kept it bottled in it most likely would of caused harm to Her and the baby.

"I know mamas , I know exactly how you feel and what you're saying . I been through it all before and it's not easy . It's not easy to leave , it's not easy to tell the person you fell Inlove with that you don't want to continue .. " I said

" it sucks having to give up on something , you thought was long term . But babygirl people change , people grow up , people start wanting different . Right now in your life you just need to make a hustle for you and my tt baby , because if Randel really wanted you and wanted to be a family , you wouldn't be here right now in Atlanta crying in dollar tree parking lot bby " I said while pulling her into another hug , while she literally wet my whole shoulder up.

I was glad she finally vented , when I saw her she looked tired and like she was stressing . But I didn't want to stress the issue , I wanted it to come out on its own. I hate she's going through shit I went through . It's not easy at all , so many nights of crying , so many nights of " what if's " , so many nights of " what could have I done different? "

Just blaming yourself for everything that happened between you and your partner . Making up scenarios on why they are acting the way they're acting.

But jade was a strong ass girl , and I knew she'll overcome this .

" I hate when you're right . It's like he promised me so much yas . He promised we were going to raise our baby together , we were going to move out of state and start a new life and he hasn't even been to nothing but one appointment, ONE YAS FUCKING ONE!! Why?? Was it me? " she cried

" Of fucking course it wasn't you .. it's him , so never blame yourself for his wack ass actions . If he doesn't want to be in his baby life , don't force him , don't even keep making a effort if he not making an effort . You deserve better forreal jade .. it'll be okay though baby , I'm here for you and the baby . You'll never need Randel when I'm around . It get easier from here " I said while planting a kiss on her forehead and wiping her tears ..

Jade was my heart , she was there for me through the depression , through the anxiety attacks , through the lost of my baby boy too. She helped me overcome so much so it's only right I help her .

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