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* Yasmine pov * just a filler *

" Where were you? I called you like 10 times lastnight " I said to jade as she walked in the kitchen with her hair all over her head.

" I lost my phone. " she responded dryly

" How did you lose your phone? You're so not responsible! Anything could of happened to you or my Godbaby jade " I fussed , Jade just looked at me with a blank face expression and shrugged her shoulders. " And what the fuck is wrong with you? "

" Well since you're so concerned about me now , lastnight I caught Randel cheating at the club, and then I tried to fight him but some man grabbed me and escorted me out the club. Then I tried to call you , but you didn't answer so he brought me home. " She responded with the same blank face expression. I was just in shocked Randel would cheat on her at the club, knowing she was at the club. I knew he was bogus , but not that bogus.

I then became frustrated and sad. I wasn't there for her or my Godbaby lastnight , a time when she needed me the most. I felt like a horrible best friend and God mother. If only I wasn't all under August I coulda been there for her.

" I'm so sorry jade " I said while walking towards her and pulling into a hug. I could see she was trying to be tough and act like this didn't phase her but I knew it did. I knew she had mixed emotions about Randel cheating and me not being there when she needed me.

" I'm so sorry I wasn't there. " I said while rubbing circles on back.

" It hurts so bad , I'm tying to be so strong about the situation , but eventually I'm going to break. I tried so hard to fix shit between us , I thought everything was going right and he goes cheat while im inside the club! He has no respect for me and it hurts so bad! I been going through the same shit with this man since high school , im finto be 24! I can't keep stressing about him , I can't.. I have to focus on me and my baby. It just hurts so much that he doesn't love me the same way I love him. I deserve so much more. I took him back time after time. I'm so dumb. " she cried

" It's going to be okay in due time. I got you , and I got My Godbaby! Randel will need you before you need him. You only took him back because you saw the good in him , you were and still are inlove with Randel. And sometimes love blind us from the other negative shit, but you have to leave this toxic relationship , for you and the baby. We don't need no stress especially about him! Fuck his ugly ass , ugly ass fade he got , who still wear fades? " I said

She chuckled, " Thank you bestie , I love you so much and I appreciate you so much. "

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