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* didn't proofread so sorry for mistakes *

After I finished letting all my tears out , I put the keys in the ignition and cranked the car, and headed to my safe spot.

My safe spot was on top of a building , where you can see the whole city . It was beautiful I always came up here when I needed to clear my head. I thought about jumping off this building several times, but I always picture Mel in my head coaching me to be strong. If it wasn't for him I would been ended it. Life is so complicated , Im just so tired of being sick and tired , i have a child. My father is gone . My brother gone. And my mother? She just there. Yasmine she gives me peace , but she can't heal me in certain areas even though she tries .

I'm grateful for her most definitely . Sometimes I think I love her , but I think it's too soon to tell. What I do know I do not want to lose her.

30 min into me overthinking I heard my phone ring. I took it out my pocket and the screen read "babygirl💙"

I contemplated on whether I wanted to answer or not. I knew it was around 5 some and we were suppose to go meet my son then go to karaoke .

But I was just not in the mood to be bothered by anybody. If I could sit here all day I would but I knew I had business to handle. I just wanted 30 min extra to sit here and think.

Yasmine kept calling back to back but i declined all. I knew I was in for a rude awakening when I seen her. I knows she probably worried to death about me but I just don't want to talk.

After I sat for 30 more min I decided to leave . Walking down the stairs from the building , I seen another person walking up the stairs.

I was confused . I thought this building was abandoned and that I was the only one to know about it.

When we both reached the middle of the staircase I seen it was a female. She was light skin, very pretty with a nice figure.

" excuse me? " I said

" yes? "

" if you don't mind me asking , where you going? "

" to my apartment. " she said looking confused

" you live here? " I questioned

" yes. Just moved here a few days ago. I'm surprised to see someone here , the owner said I was the only person to live in this building since years " she said while chuckling

" oh I don't stay here. I just umm got lost."

" nice to meet you though, I have to hurry and get in the house" she said while giving me a small wave and climbing up the rest of the stairs .

I finally decided to call Yasmine back after I got settled in the car.

" oh so now you want to call me? Where the fuck you been? Huh? I been calling and texting you for forever , having me stressed the fuck out about you! You so damn stupid auggie "

" im sorry. I was busy. I should of shot you a text. "

" yea that would of been nice . " she said

" but I'm on my way home baby. " I said

" okay . Be safe . " she said while hanging up.

I knew she was going to have a attitude when I got home , but I know what could fix that.

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