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Jade Pov
just a filler.

" Eddie please answer your phone. " I said while rubbing my eyes, I know it was like 3 in the morning and Eddie phone been ringing all night.

" EDDIE! " I said louder, he continued to sleep. So I decided to answer his phone. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I was right for answering it.

" Hello. " I said groggily

" Eddie Kason is crying for you, you lied like you were coming over here around 12 something. I fucking hate you. " A girl ranted

" Kason? " I questioned , " Hello? Who is this? " the girl said confusingly. " Umm im his friend, but you saying he has a kid? "

" Duh he has a kid bitch if you his friend how yeen know? You just one of them hoes he fucking on bitch! " She said

I laughed and then hung up. One thing I wasn't going to Do was argue with a bitch about ANYTHING! But what I do know I was finto wake Eddie up!

" So what the fuck you lying to me for? " I said while pushing his head.

" aye man what the fuck " , " Wait why the fuck you got my phone? " He questioned me while wiping sleep out of his eyes

" NO WHY THE FUCK YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU HAD A CHILD!?! I VENTED TO YOU ABOUT PERSONAL SHIT AND YOU KEPT THIS FROM ME WHY?!? " I said while throwing his phone at him and  aiming at his head, but he moved just in time.

Nonchalantly , he said " I never told you to do that. "

" hmph bet. " I walked into his bathroom grabbing my toothbrush and body wash, while going into his closet and getting my duffle bag that held my clothes in it.

I quickly grabbed my phone and tried to get a holt of Yasmine, I figured she was sleep after she didn't answer the 1st time I called. Scrolling through my contacts I looked for someone to call so they could come get me, and Strangely enough my fingered hovered over " Randel. " , I quickly called him before I could talk myself out of it. He answered after the 2nd ring.

" Wassup? "

" Can you come get me? " I asked in an annoyed tone, Eddie had went to the front room  in the midst of me packing.

" Yea , text me your location. " he said , then hanging up.

I grabbed all my things out of Eddie room, and made my way down the hall. I peeped my head into the living room, and saw he was on the phone. I just shook my head and continued my way out the door. I walked down the street to this 7-Eleven , and then sunt Randel my location. Even though I was mad at Eddie I still had respect for him.

After 30 minutes , Randel pulled up. I grabbed my things and headed toward his car, I put my things in the backseat and then got into the front.

" Hey. " I quietly spoke.

" Wassup. How you been? "

" Me AND the baby is fine. " I said while putting emphasis on and.

" Cool. " He said while turning up the radio, Fredo Bang was playing loudly, while Randel was laid back in his seat, observing his surroundings while driving. He wore gray sweat pants, with a hoodie to match. He even had his grill in looking sexy as ever. I started to wonder where he was coming from with all this on at 3 in the morning..

But I've been horny for weeks now, and little did I know I was craving for him all along. I closed my legs and squeezed them together. The way he was rapping the song, and the way his grill shined against the street lights made me feel some type of way.

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