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* just a filler *
* excuse the mistakes *

After the vent secession we headed home . Jade was extremely exhausted , so she headed straight upstairs so she could go to bed , and I went in the kitchen to join August for dinner . He managed to bake bbq chicken , corn , and jiffy bread . Surprised we didn't come home to a bunch of fire trucks . " you cooked? Wow " I said

" yOu cOoKeD " he said while mocking me
" of course I did , you and horse fly was gone half of the damn day and I got hungry waiting on y'all so I decided to cook a lil some , cmon sit down and taste what chef august has prepared "

I chuckled , before going to take a seat . August fixed my plate then sat it down infront of me . " wine or soda? " , " it's been a stressful ass day wine pls " I said .

" stressful? " , " want to talk abt it baby? "

" no it's okay. Nothing I can't handle , im fine baby. " I said while smiling . It wasn't a lie I was actually fine , it's just I was just stressed about jade and her feelings . She's 2 months pregnant she shouldn't be stressing and her stressing makes me stress . So now we're both stressing which is unhealthy for the both of us.

" you sure? Don't shut me out man " he said while bringing my wine to the table , then taking the seat infront of me .

I picked over the chicken with my fork & responded " positive " .

" why you picking over my chicken bae? taste it , it's good as fuck "

" as I can see " I chuckled , August had bbq all over his lips , eating like he has no home training . I picked up the chicken and took a small bite , and to my surprise it was actually good.

" mmmhmmm August , this taste so good " I moaned while laughing because I actually did think he was going to do a horrible ass job .

" see I told you . Some of my cooking is very edible , don't doubt ya boy ni " he said while smiling

" I won't anymore baby . This corn good too , you added sugar ? It taste sweet , I never had sweet corn before "

" I actually did. My pops taught me how to cook this specific meal when I was like 13 . It was his favorite , until mom made everybody try to eat healthy . I haven't ate this meal since 13 .. my mom was a real healthy ass person , she changed everybody diet. "

I chuckled , because my mom tried to do that once , but me and my dad wasn't going we loved our fried food too much.

" funny how we almost lived the same life , my mom tried to make me and my dad go vegan , but my dad put his foot down and told my mom he wasn't giving up his snack cakes and shìt "

" your dad the realest and brave , because my dad did whatever my mom wanted him too. He had to pussy whipped " he laughed

I chuckled before going to throw the remaining food off my plate into the trash , then placing the plate in the dish washer. I then went up to my room , so I could put my night clothes on and watch Netflix .


Me and August found a movie to watch , it was " the house bunny " , August wanted to just look at the girl because she wore short clothing a lot , but I wanted to watch it because I actually enjoyed the movie .

40 min into the movie August fell asleep on my chest . I looked at him and just smiled . I was just thankful God blessed me with such a beautiful man.

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