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* this chapter is definitely lame but oh well *

" I was just about to put out a amber alert on this bitch " Jade said as I was sitting down at the kitchen table eating some Ramen noodles.

" Girl shut up & where Randel? "

" Oh he went back to the Bronx , And we not going to find out the gender until my gender reveal party. "

" What? Since when were you having a gender reveal? " I asked with confusion written all over my face.

" Randel said he wants to have a gender reveal. The theme is going to be Durags or bonnets , cute right? " She said with all seriousness

" Cute my ass! That's so fucking ghetto, no it should be like mustaches or bows , or some shit like that. Who even gave you that idea? "

" Randell. He said people could bring bonnets if they thought it was a girl & durags for a boy. I just think he wants people to buy the durags for him. "

" Them damn ripples he got, he need all the durags he can get. " I said while laughing at my own joke

" Ahaha Hehe , August got all them damn naps in his head , hair look like ants just up there fighting and carrying on. "

We both died of laughter until August came in . " What the fuck so funny to y'all? " He asked while going towards the fridge and grabbing a popsicle. August was the only person I knew to eat a popsicle in winter. " Nothing weirdo " Jade said while getting her noodles out of the microwave.

August plucked Jade on the forehead , and ran back into the living room. " He so damn ugly " Jade said while pouring the water off her noodles and putting her chicken flavor sauce into them. " Ew bitch your noodles soggy. "

" I like them like that, the baby likes when I eat like mushy food. Example these , it loves when I eat these. " She exclaimed while rubbing her belly and taking a bite of her noodles.

" But why you been gone for two days? what the fuck pointy chin do? he been coming home moping around because you wouldn't open the door for his ass. I told him if it was something he did I was going to slide his ass to his mama house "

" I really don't feel like going over it again, it's okay now. I just know when I catch the bitch , ima beat her ass like her mama should have. "

" Wait wait hold up? Who? His babymama? Because if you talking about her , aint he already plotting to kill her holiday I got the bike looking ass? "

i bursted out laughing , I could never take Jade serious. " No bitch some girl name Amari, she been texting him and she gone walk up to me Friday while I was out Christmas shopping telling me to get my man and shìt. She showed me some messages between them and it looked like August was cheating so I left. "

" Christmas shopping? Ayeeee what you get me bitch? " , " But forreal What she look like? her name sound so familiar and if you saw him texting her why you still with him? Don't act like I didn't see y'all walk up those stairs and like I didn't hear all those August please stops " she said while chuckling and mocking me .

" Fuck you. But because he showed me the real ones , and it wasn't nothing serious. He tried to come see her for a real ass reason, and she just deleted her messages and made it look like he was blowing her up, and here look. " I said while passing her my phone so she could see Amari

" Girl say you swea this her?!? " Jade said

" I swea. you must know her or some? "

" BITCH YESS!! THIS IS MY COUSIN! she always been sneaking as hell, wait to beat her ass , wait til I have my baby! Because this bitch got it coming from me, I been looking for her ass"

" What she do to you bitch? " I asked

" She fucked Randel back in high school , I just never told anybody about it because it was embarrassing.. He fucked my cousin while we were broken up , and I still took him back. I been looking for her ass every since , but it's like she fell off the face of the earth. "

" Well August knows where she lives so I'm still stuck on if I want to pull up on her ass or just catch her in a public place " I said while getting up and throwing the remaining noodles away , and taking my bowl to the sink.

" Anywho, tonmorw you know DJ? He's throwing a party at the Oddyus " she said referring to the club that was down the street from my house

" Yea I know me and August were trying to decide on whether we wanted to go. "

" Well my pregnant ass do , so we're going. I want to go out while I still look like I just got a little pudge " she said placing her bowl in the sink

" Well sounds like a plan . We can go find something to wear tomorrow " I said

" Bet. " 

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