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* didn't proof read *

" I love you too " I replied while trying to kiss him again.

" Chill mamas , I gotta go to work. "

I rolled my eyes , and moved off top of him so he could get up and get ready for work.

My mom was out of town , Jade was gone , and August was going to work so it was just me at the house.


Christmas was coming up, so after August left the house I decided to get dress and do some early Christmas shopping.

I walked upstairs and into my bedroom , I threw my phone on my bed and walked towards the closet. I pulled open my closet door , and started looking through my hung up clothes to find something to put on. I wanted to look casual so I pulled out a distress sweater , with some light denim jeans, with my ugg fur sandals.

I quickly put on my clothes and shoes , I grabbed my phone and then headed downstairs. I grabbed my keys off the kitchen table, then I cut the house alarm on , and then walked outside. It was super chilly out.

" Shit I should of put on a big ass bubble coat " I said to myself, while walking towards my car.

I unlocked my car doors , and got in and quickly cut on the heat. I sat there until my car heated up, and then plugged my phone up into the aux and played Hold me x Janine

" Baby If break down will you catch my tears before they hit the ground " I sung while putting my car into reverse and looking back to make sure I didn't run over anything and started backing out.

" touch me so I know it's real " I continued to sing , while driving until I reached a stop sign. My mind started to wonder , and eventually I went back to being stuck into my thoughts. I continued to drive until I made it to the mall, I wondered how I made it this far when my mind wasn't even on driving but was on other shit.

I had a habit of zoning out while driving and thinking of everything but the right thing. I drove around the parking lot looking for a spot until I found one close to the entrance. I exited my car and started walking towards the mall entrance.

Walking in I spotted Charlotte Russe having a sell, so I went in there to find Jade and myself a few things.

I spotted this really cute black turtle neck , I knew jade would like this and I knew she had some cute blue palazzo pants to go with it. I grabbed a large , and continued to search for other clothing items. I didn't see anything else I liked , so I paid for the turtleneck and headed towards Victoria secret.

I didn't find anything in Victoria secret nor H&M. I grew tired and hungry so I went to the food court. I couldn't decide if I wanted Chinese or Chic fil A , I debated on the two for Atleast 15 minutes until I finally settled on Chinese food . I ordered crispy chicken , with yellow rice and vegetables, and two eggrolls.

I grabbed my food and walked to a table near footlocker . I started eating my food until a person came up to me asking was I August girlfriend .

" Yes I am , why are you asking? " I said while looking puzzled

" Well tell yo man to stay out my dm bitch . " she said while crossing her arms over her chest

" Excuse me? Who are you? " I asked

" You don't remember me? I'm that girl who gave him his book at the ice cream shop. "

" oh you? " I laughed , " he been texting you? "

" He has . He been trying to come see me for the longest. "

" Can I see proof? " I asked before biting into my egg roll.

I was bothered by this bitch , because she seen me over here sitting minding my business and enjoying my food and she wanna bring her ass over here bothering my peace.

" Look. " she said while shoving her phone into my face and plain as day " August23 " was texting her constantly trying to see her.

I instantly became pissed , because why was he trying to see the bitch? the fuck I did to him? I smiled before saying " excuse me " .. I grabbed my food and placed it back into its bag , and grabbed my Charlotte Russe bag and quickly maneuvered out of the mall.

I hopped in the car and cranked it up and headed towards August Job I didn't even let my car warm up , pissed was an understatement, he had the audacity to try to meet up with this bitch like he didn't have a whole ass girlfriend at home.

15 minutes into the ride I convinced myself to not even be crazy , to just go home. I decided not to be the crazy girlfriend who shows up at your job , and slash your tires and shit. I was just going to pack a overnight bag and stay at my parents for a couple days. I just needed time to get my head right , I didn't want to put him out or any of that. I just wanted to be alone , and I knew us being in the same house wouldn't of worked because I probably would have kilt this man because I told him how Marcell treated me and he goes and does the same.


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