You get turned into a baby

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You had been having a perfectly normal, lazy day in Soundwave's berthroom, that is until a strange pink smoke started coming out of the vent.

You tried to avoid breathing in the strange smoke but you accidentally inhaled some and you fell asleep.

Meanwhile Soundwave ran out of Shockwave's lab to see if the pink smoke that Knockout accidentally knocked over had any effect on you.

Once Soundwave got to his berthroom he looked in his closet and didn't see you so he activated his holoform so he could look for you.

As Soundwave walked in your living room he saw your clothes with a tiny bump in them so he slowly walked towards your clothes.

You opened your tiny E/c eyes and curiously looked up at Soundwave as he picked you up.

Soundwave suddenly felt protective over you as he held you in his arms, but he knew that you needed to be turned back to normal.

Soundwave then grabbed your clothes and wrapped you in your shirt so that you were at least modest.

It took him a while but Soundwave eventually got back to his normal self and he carried you in his servo to Shockwave's lab so you could be turned back to normal.

On the way there however Soundwave hadn't noticed that you had wiggled out of your shirt, that is until he felt a strange wetness on one of his digit and saw you chewing on it.

Once Soundwave entered Shockwave's lab he saw Shockwave waiting for him with the cure.

"Soundwave, you have been gone for longer than what was expected." Shockwave said.

Soundwave only stared at Shockwave as he held his servo out with you on it, unfortunately when you saw Shockwave you started screaming and crying and Soundwave quickly withdrew his servo away from Shockwave and he tried to calm you down.

Once you were calmed down Shockwave opened the test tube with the cure and let you breath in the purple smoke.

Soundwave panicked a little when you slowly fell asleep in his servo.

"Relax, she will be back to normal in a few minutes." Shockwave told Soundwave.

Soundwave nodded and went back to his berthroom, activated his holoform, got you back in your clothes as best he could and laid you in the spot that he found you in before he deactivated his holoform and left his berthroom.

Thankfully when you woke up you didn't remember anything that had happened.

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