He sees a wild animal

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Today since the Nemesis was flying over Asia and Soundwave had to go check on an energon mine he decided to take you with him.

You dressed in clothes that you didn't mind getting dirty in so that you wouldn't get your good clothes messy.

Once Soundwave got to the flight deck he transformed around you, strapped you in his cockpit with his seatbelt and he took off.

You loved it when Soundwave took you out for flights, even though he didn't do it very often.

Soundwave soon found a good place to land and transform back to his Cybertroinian form, but also making sure that you were okay.

After a few minutes of walking in the jungle Soundwave stopped and looked ahead.

You looked where Soundwave was looking and you saw a black leopard walking across the path.

You noticed that Soundwave let the leopard just go about it's business before he started walking again.

"So, I take it you like black leopards?" You asked Soundwave.

Soundwave looked at you and nodded before he showed you a picture on his screen, it looked like Soundwave but buffer and he had other minicons, including one that looked like a Cybertroinian cat of some sort.

"Is that you Soundwave?" You asked him curiously.

Soundwave nodded before he continued walking towards the energon mine.

The picture Soundwave showed you

The picture Soundwave showed you

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Soundwave x Reader ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now