Spark bonding

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Today was the day that you and Soundwave were finally going to spark bond. You had already buried your human body and made a gravestone. Earlier that day Soundwave shown you, your kids and your grandkids everything that he had recorded over the years.  He had recorded just about everything that had happened ever since he took you to the Nemesis, he had even been recording everything that had happened the day he got turned into a sparkling. But now that it was night time you and Soundwave went into a place in the forest that no one ever went to so that you both could spark bond in peace.

"Y/n, are you sure you want to be bonded to me?" Soundwave asked you nervously.

"Yes Soundwave, I'm positive." You said as you kissed him.

"Then lets get started." He said as he gently laid you on the ground.

He showed you how to open your chest plates and when you did you saw that you had a beautiful S/c spark. You looked at his violet spark but saw a few gray areas.

"Soundwave, why are parts of your spark gray?" You quietly asked him.

"That's what happens if someone you are bonded to is offlined." He said sadly.

You kissed him as you pressed your chassis against his. You felt a burning pain as his spark began to merge with yours. You then saw all of his memories and felt his emotions, you saw how he became a gladiator and met Megatron. You saw him with all of his minicons, you saw how Megatron killed Ravage, Rumble and Frenzy and felt the pain as each bond died off. You saw how he changed his form and joined the Decepticons and you saw and felt everything that happened after he had met you.

He saw and felt everything you had gone through in your life. Once the bond was complete your sparks went back inside your spark chambers and you both closed your chest plates and Soundwave sent a wave of love and arousal over the bond.

"S-Soundwave.....please...I-I need you!" You gasped in pleasure.

Soundwave smirked as he took your-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for adults only.

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