You meet the other Decepticons

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You had already gotten dressed and brushed your hair and teeth and you had just finished breakfast when Soundwave put his servo near you as if he wanted you to get on.

"Do you want me to sit on your hand?" You asked Soundwave.

Soundwave nodded so you sat on his servo and he walked out of his room and into a large hallway.

"Where are we going?" You asked Soundwave curiously.

.:Soundwave, bring the human to me:. Soundwave played Megatron's voice on his visor.

Soundwave soon walked into a room with large windows, at least now you knew that you weren't on the ground.

"Ah Soundwave, I see you brought the human with you." A big gun metal gray and purple robot said as he walked towards Soundwave.

"W-who are you?" You asked the gray and purple robot.

"I am Megatron, leader of the Decepticons." Megatron said as he looked at you with his bright red eyes.

" name is Y/n." You said nervously.

"Well......Y/n, I'm assuming Soundwave told you why you're here." Megatron said.

"I-I guess." Was all you said.

"I see you've brought the pest." A feminine looking robot said.

"Starscream, this is our human......
....guest." Megatron told Starscream.

"Hmm, as long as she doesn't cause any trouble." The robot said.

"Who are you?" You asked the feminine looking robot.

"I am Starscream, Second in Command of the Decepticons, Air Commander and the next in line to be Winglord of Vos." Starscream said proudly.

Megatron then growled at Starscream which made him scared.

"Soundwave, what have you got in your servo?" A female robot asked as she walked towards Soundwave.

"Arachnid, this is our human guest, you are not to harm her, in any way." Megatron told Arachnid seriously.

"Oh I wouldn't hurt her, she's too lovely." Arachnid said as she winked at you, making you blush a little.

"Soundwave, go introduce our guest to Knockout and Breakdown." Megatron told Soundwave.

Soundwave nodded before he went to the med bay.

On the way there Soundwave had been stopped by 5t3v3, a Vehicon that was always friendly towards everyone.

When Soundwave walked in the med bay you saw a cherry red robot buffing himself and a big navy blue robot cleaning some tools.

"Is...that a.....human?" The cherry red robot asked Soundwave.

Soundwave nodded as he let the two others look at you.

"Well hello there, Doll, the names Knockout." Knockout said seductively as he winked at you.

"Hi there, I'm Breakdown." Breakdown said.

"Hi, I'm Y/n." You said as you introduced yourself.

"Oh Soundwave, you picked a beautiful one." Knockout said as he smirked at you, making you blush.

"Knockout, stop making the human uncomfortable." Breakdown told Knockout.

"Oh alright, but I still think she's pretty." Knockout said as he went back to buffing.

"If you have any questions about us then just have Soundwave bring you here." Breakdown told you.

"Okay, and it was nice meeting you both." You told Knockout and Breakdown.

"And it was nice meeting you, Y/n." Knockout said flirtatiously.

Soundwave then walked out of the med bay and he headed to where Predaking was.

When Predaking saw Soundwave he walked over and sniffed you.

"U-um....hey there." You said as you reached out to pet Predaking.

Predaking instantly leaned into your touch and purred, making you smile.

"Soundwave, I see you have brought the human." A purple robot with one eye said as he walked over to Soundwave.

"Um, hi." You said.

"Greetings, I am Shockwave." Shockwave said in his monotone voice.

"I'm Y/n." You said.

"It appears Predaking enjoys your company." Shockwave said.

"Yeah, I suppose so." You said as you kept petting Predaking.

After a while Soundwave put you back in his berthroom before he went back to work.

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