You give birth

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Your mom had been waiting for you in the delivery room just as she had promised while your uncle, your aunt, your cousin and your younger brother were waiting in the waiting room.

Thankfully your uncle got you to the hospital on time so that the doctor could give you an epidural.

"Mooooooom, it hurts!" You said as you winced in pain.

"I know, trust me, I know, but it's worth it." Your mom reassured you.

"Ngh, w-when will this be over?" You asked as you clenched your teeth.

"Here, you can squeeze my hand." Your mom said.

"T-thanks!" You said as you gripping your mom's hand.

Seven long hours later after all the pushing and screaming you heard a loud cry as the pain went away.

After the doctor took your son to clean him and made sure he was healthy he was placed in your arms.

Your son soon cracked his tiny violet eyes open as he looked up at you.

"Violet eyes?" Your mom asked you.

"Yeah his....uh.....father had violet eyes." You said as you remembered Soundwave.

"Agent Fowler contacted me and told me what happened." Your mom said as she gently patted your shoulder.

"Do you have a name?" The doctor asked you.

"Yes, Sebastian, Souta, L/n." You told the doctor as she wrote the name on a birth certificate.

Once the doctor and nurses left the room your uncle, your aunt, your younger brother and your cousin came in.

"Is that him?" Your cousin asked you as your aunt held him.

"Yes, his name is Sebastian." You said.

"He's really tiny." Your brother said.

"Yes, but he'll grow." You said.

Suddenly you heard a camera go off and you looked at your uncle who had a big smile on his face.

"Denny!" Your aunt said as she glared at your uncle.

"What, we need to remember this moment." Your uncle said.

You smiled as Sebastian held your pointer finger in his tiny hand, and you suddenly felt sad knowing that Soundwave was still gone.

Little did you know that Soundwave was currently watching you from the shadow zone, wishing that he had a way out.

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