The first night at home with your son

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You had finally been given the go ahead to take Sebastian home and your mom took you home and made sure that you were going to be okay.

By the time night came you got Sebastian ready for bed, made sure that the baby monitor was working and went to bed.

You really missed Soundwave and wished that he could be with you, but you knew that he needed to somehow be freed from the shadow zone.

A couple hours later you heard Sebastian start to cry so you woke up and went to his room.

"Shhhh, I'm here now, there's no need to cry." You cooed to Sebastian.

You then sat in the rocking chair and fed Sebastian as you quietly hummed one of your favorite songs to him.

After you fed Sebastian you changed and burped him before you were able to get him to sleep again, but this time you took him to your room so that he could sleep with you in your bed.

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