District Thirteen Female: Mercy "MeMe" Lakeside

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"I always  love to see new tributes join us... We never know what they'll be like,  or what they've got up their sleeves."-Fillius Ravenscar

Name: Mercy Lakeside, commonly known as MeMe

Age: 62

Gender: Female

District: 13

Physical Description:  MeMe isn't your common old granny - she's still small, but not frail.  She has never suffered from any hip or joint problems, and she walks  tall. Her crowing glory is her silver curls, which she wears like a  crown. She refuses to dye her hair, seeing it as a sign of dignity, and  she refuses to give into vanity. Her eyes are still the piercing green  they were when she was a tribute, but stand out even more as her skin  has become for pale with age.

Personality: MeMe is  nothing if she isn't determined - she is mentally strong, and is  definatley not stupid. She does, however, have the typical grandmother  trait of thinking everything was better 'back in her day', and hates the  youths that rule the Games now. She thinks - no, she knows - that she  was better, and that the times when she was a child were much better,  because children were seen and not heard, and they knew how to treat  their elders and betters.

Craft: She used to train  other children for the Games, but she retired when she hit fifty, and  has spent the rest of her years in a lake-side cottage.

Skills: When she was  younger, MeMe had many skills - she was an extremely strong swimmer,  very good with a sword, and a fast runner. She had a strict, military  upbringing, and was very physically and mentally fit. Though some of her  skills may have faded with age, she is still very fit and strong for  her age, she can swill swim, she can still climb and she can still  handle a sword or blade.

Weapon Of Choice: Sword

Token: The same necklace she had in her first Games - a silver chain with a lump of sapphire as a pendant.

Backstory: MeMe was  brought up in a family where both parents were part of the District 13  Peace-Keeper force. They were used to rules and regulations, and brought  up MeMe like they were taught at work. They were very strict, and there  were a lot of rules, but MeMe grew up talented and smart.

At the age of fourteen,  she was Reaped to be the District 13 Female, and won the shortest ever  Games in just under three days. She had been trained with a sword, and  once she got one, even the Careers didn't stand a chance.

When she returned home,  she was District 13's first ever Victor, and she was worshiped. However,  when she trained and mentored the tributes, more and more began to come  home, and MeMe was soon forgotten about.

Even now, she has been  kicked out of her Victor's Village home by a young girl who'd won by  hiding. Now, she watches the Games every year, seething in anger when  she sees tributes who win using 'smarts' and 'strategy'. Back in her  day, you had to be strong, and you had to be good. Half the Victor's  these days wouldn't have made it past the Bloodbath fifty years ago.

But now is her chance to show the new Game-Maker how a REAL Victor should win.


Mercy Lakeside: District Thirteen

Mercy's cottage seemed  like the typical cottage of someones grandmother, but there was always  one thing that stood out about it - unlike a grandmother, she kept a  bloodstained sword mounted above her fireplace.

She kept it there to  remind her of the 'good old days', the days where she was adored and  worshipped by the public. The days were she spent her time training the  younger generation with her favourite weapon.

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