Bad reputation

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I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation
You're living in the past, it's a new generation
A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do

Katya's POV

I woke up late and with good reason. I was doing the fucking math work for the first time until 3 in the morning. I gave myself a quick shower with no time to heat the water, and I also put on a quickly some makeup.

I took all my things and bit a piece of bread that was on the table. Jason was still asleep, so I didn't want to wake him up. I put on my black jacket and turn on my motorcycle on my way to university. Probably I wouldn't arrive in the first hour, nobody would mind if I didn't take the stupid geography class, so I regretted not having breakfast. I was so immersed in my thoughts that I could barely see a blonde girl watching me in an elegant car.

Her big brown eyes were fixed on me, what the hell she was watching?

"Did you lose something?" I asked furiously

She didn't answer me. She gave me one last look before she turned to the other side. Who the hell she thinks she's to ignore me? I'm having a shitty morning, and she's not helping me.

"I asked you a something, little brat," I said accelerating to be at her height.

At this point, I could observe her a little better. Her lips were beautiful, and they were colored by a pale pink lipgloss. She just rolled her eyes, and her car finally lost its way between the others.

When I finally arrived at school, as I didn't reach the first hour I went to the cafeteria for some breakfast. I was able to meet Naomi at a table alone looking at something on her phone.

"Hi, girl."

"Hi Zamo," she answered my greeting "What are you doing here?"

"Arrived late at the first hour," I said playing down "What about you?"

"The idiot of algebra doesn't let me in for bringing inappropriate clothes," she said.

"Oh, don't worry, I can give you the notes."

"Thanks, whore," she teased me stealing a bite from my sandwich.

There were not many people that I liked in this school, much less that they didn't fear me, Naomi was one of them. She worked as a waitress in a bar in the speed zone and once in a while, we got free drinks. She was super smart, and despite all that, she was still our friend.

We saw a lot of people leave the classrooms and I assumed that the change was already there. We went to our next class, and on the way to it, I felt like somebody touched my breasts playfully.

"Hey, Zamo!" Sharon greeted exciting

Sharon Needles was my best friend since I can remember, we practically knew each other since we were born and there came a time when I didn't saw her as a friend anymore, she was more like my sister. I hadn't siblings, so I considered her sisters as my sisters too and they considered me part of their family.

"Is that my shirt?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, yeah, I assumed you wouldn't mind... Hi Naomi!" she greeted cheerfully.

Needles or Noodles, as I called her, had this completely gothic attitude and was like shit with strangers, but once in confidence, she was more childish than a little kid.

"Hey Sharon," she answered the greeting "See you later guys, I'm late."

We said goodbye to her and went to the classroom, sharing a cigarette. Upon arrival, we occupied our seats when I felt a pair of hands around my neck and planted a slow kiss on my lips as she sat on my lap. It was Violet.

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