Call me

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Cover me with kisses, baby
Cover me with love
Roll me in designer sheets
I'll never get enough
Emotions come, I don't know why
Cover up love's alibi

Trixie's POV.

I woke up listening to the groans of Alaska beside me, and I could see her in her last night's clothes. She'd probably have a headache, and of course, I had it too, but not so intense.

"Trix, are you awake?" she asked screaming.

"Now, yes," I complained.

"Can you make somebreakfast?" she pleaded while she was searching blindly for her phone in the bedside table, "Mom isn't here and the housekeeper doesn't come today."

"No," I refused. I was used to make her breakfast everytime I stayed, but after everything that happened last night, the last thing I wanted to do was getting up and doing anything at all, "Let's go for something to eat, I don't wanna cook."

"Please" she begged, and I almost gave up, "I don't wanna walk."

"Ask for an uber, then," I said obviously.

"Agh, fine," she got up angrily. Her hair was messier than usual and last night makeup was still present, incluiding some of the black lipstick that I tried in vain to remove, "You're a terrible friend, Beatrice Mattel," she made fun of my name before locking herself in the bathroom.

She took a shower with icy water, and while I waited patiently my turn, I remembered a little about last night. Jessie acted like a huge jerk... Did I still like him? Was I going to forgive him despite what he did? I honestly thought he was a better kisser, and yeah, the fact that he was drunk rested him hundreds of points. Then, the image of the Russian blonde who defended me came back to my mind. Last night I acted horribly towards her. In her voice there was sincerity, she was really worried about me and, I didn't give her the chance to start fine. She looked so pretty last night, and her lips, compared to Jessie's, looked a thousand times better, like a pair of delicious cherries with that pretty red lipstick in her beautiful smile.

Suddenly, I realized what I was thinking. 

It couldn't be possible, Jessie was almost perfect (yeah, without counting last night trouble), and I was having thoughts about Katya's lips. What was wrong with me? I got up and started jumping around like crazy to get these thoughts out of my head. Again, what the hell was wrong with me?

"Uh, Trix, are you okay?" Alaska asked confused. I was so concentrated in scolding myself for those thoughts that I didn't realized she was done with her shower.

"Yes!" I said, blushing so hard, "I'm going to take a shower, and then we can go for something to eat. Then I have to go back home to find a stupid dress for the stupid party."

Lasky smiled with compassion.

"I wish I could join you to make it less shitty, but today I'm going to the speed zone," she screamed excitedly, and then she squeezed her head, "I forgot that I'm still hungover."

"Will you meet Sharon?"

"I hope so, I have to go super sexy to leave her drooling for me," she said proudly.

I just rolled my eyes funnily and got in the shower. I put on a pair of jeans and a rather simple shirt, combed my curls in a high ponytail, and applied my makeup, but when I came out, Alaska was asleep again. As much as I wanted to let her sleep, I had to wake her up because I was starving.

We went to a coffee shop, and being there I could see the girl who Katya tried to defended yesterday with her sister and the other dark-haired girl. I showed her to Lasky, and she quickly looked for Sharon, but we didn't find her, or at least not with the gaze.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now