Truly, madly, deeply

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Truly, madly, deeply, I am
Foolishly, completely falling
And somehow you kicked all my walls in
So baby, say you’ll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you
In love with you

Trixie's POV

I had really sworn that today would be a productive day, I thought about cleaning my whole room and organizing my school projects and assignments, but before I could start with my cleaning plan, Katya told me she was coming towards my house, and it's known that while she was here I will not finish that.

"I'm here," my pretty blonde said, coming in the window.

"I told you that my parents are not at home," I answered, confused to see her sweating a little from the effort.

"Shit, I forgot it," she growled, taking off her jacket.

"What happens to you? I see you tired, more than usual," I said hugging her as she lay with me in bed and hid her face on my neck.

"I'm sorry baby, the new job has me crazy, last night I left dairy queen until midnight because I had to close, and today I got up early to accompany Patricia to the doctor, I'm so exhausted that I haven't even had breakfast,"

"Oh Kats, you didn't have to come, you could stay at home to rest,"

"You have no idea how much I wanted to see you, princess," she said, kissing my neck "And I also wanted you to make those pancakes with blueberries that I loved so much,"

"It's 12 o'clock, you can't have breakfast anymore," I joked as I bit my lower lip, trying to suppress a moan from her kisses.

"I could do it if some princess with honey eyes and long eyelashes made me a couple of pancakes,"

"I don't feel like cooking, I still feel sleepy," I lied, closing my eyes and sighing heavily as I felt her kisses coming down my cleavage "Katya, stop,"

"Will you make me breakfast?"

"If you continue like this I definitely won't,"

"Well, then I guess we'll have to pick it up later," she said, taking me by the chin to put a hard kiss on my lips.

We got up and between clumsy kisses, we reached the kitchen where there were some cooks.

"I thought we were alone," Katya whispered a little uncomfortable as we parted.

"Me too," I answered "What are you doing here? I thought it was your day off,"

"Your mother ordered us to stay, miss,"

"Well, you can leave, my mother is not here and I don't want you to waste your free day here, go out and stay with your families,"

"Are you sure? We don't want to get into trouble,"

"Sure, I mean it," I said, smiling as they looked at each other so happy.

"Thank you miss Beatrice, you're an angel,"

I just laugh to start taking things out of the cupboard as they took their things and left happily. I started to beat the mixture, when suddenly I felt a gaze fixed on me, I raised my head to meet the blue eyes of my pretty blonde looking at me attentively with a silly smile.

"What are you looking, dumb blonde?" I joked, still beating.

"You are an angel, Miss Beatrice," she said, making me blush.

"Shut up, Yekaterina,"

"It's true,"

"As you say, but I think I can't keep coking, I'm missing something," I answered, leaving the bowl.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now