I kissed a girl

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I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight

Trixie's POV.

I woke up with a terrible migraine; it looked like they'd drilled into my head and then a metal concert would have taken place in it. I was about to sleep again when I realized that I wasn't in Lasky's room and I was half-naked in a shirt that wasn't mine. I tried to remember what had happened last night, but as much as I tried to remember, I couldn't. I imagined the worst and began to cry silently, when Katya entered the room, and I felt an enormous relief; at least it was someone I knew.

"Hey Barbie, what's up?" she asked worriedly, as she wiped my tears with her thumb softly,

"I'm sorry, I just got up, and I didn't recognize anything, I'm almost naked, and then I got scared," I confessed trying to control my breathing.

"Oh, sorry, we were so late last night, and I figured you wouldn't fall asleep in that tight skirt," she said smiling warmly,

And I suddenly thought about the possibility that she and I might have done something last night.

"You and I...?" I asked wishing she'd say no,

"Don't worry, we didn't do anything, but we can do it now," she answered with a wink.

I rolled my eyes, and she just laughed a little.

"My head hurts," I said, massaging my temple.

"And with good reason, you drank too much last night," she laughed remembering,

"Where's Sam and Lasky?"

"Sam is still asleep in the twin's room, and Alaska went out to get some breakfast with Sharon, it shouldn't take them so long," she said with a smirk and then she paused to find me watching her.

She'd just taken a shower, and her wet hair was falling off her face, She was wearing black pants and only a sports bra, leaving a good view of her abdomen and strong arms. She looked incredibly sexy.

My face turned completely red when I realized my thoughts. Katya had the power to make me blush without a word, and I hated it so much.

"What's up, Barbie?" she asked teasing me, and I looked away quickly,

"Uh... Nothing," I reply nervously.

"Do you like what you see? You can touch if you want," she teased.

"Ugh, you're disgusting," I said to go back to bed between the pillows and blankets.

"Really? You didn't seem to think so last night."

What the hell she was talking about?

Shit, I vaguely remember kissing her, and I also remember she didn't want to continue with the kiss.

"Can I have a pill, please? I have a migraine," I asked evading the topic.

"Sure princess, are you hungry? I can make you something if you want," she asked, and I didn't know if she said it sarcastically.

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"No, I'm serious," she replied laughing.

"Uh, yeah, I'm hungry," I admitted shyly.

"Don't worry, I'll go to make you some breakfast," she said, smiling at me warmly and then leaving the room.

After that, the room was silent again. Why she acted so nice to me? I've been disgusting with her. I remember she looked so pretty last night, and today she did it too; I thought about the Russian a little more before I fell asleep again.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now